Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 1 Verse 32

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 1 Verse 32

Na, kankshe, vijayam’, Krishna, na, ch, raajyam’, sukhaani, ch,
Kim’, naH, raajyen, govind, kim’, bhogaeH, jeeviten, va || 32||

Translation: (Krishna) Oh Krishna! I (na) neither (vijayam’) victory (kankshe) desire (ch) and (na) nor (raajyam’) kingdom (ch) and (sukhaani) nor pleasures (Govind) Oh Govind! (naH) us, such (raajyen) with kingdom (kim’) what is the use (va) and such (bhogaeH) of luxuries and (jeeviten) also of life (kim’) what is the benefit? (32)

Translation: Oh Krishna! Neither do I desire for victory, and nor kingdom, and nor pleasures. Oh Govind! What is the use of such kingdom to us, and what is the benefit of such luxuries and even of life itself?

न, काङ्क्षे, विजयम्, कृष्ण, न, च, राज्यम्, सुखानि, च,
किम्, नः, राज्येन, गोविन्द, किम्, भोगैः, जीवितेन, वा।।32।।

अनुवाद: (कृष्ण) हे कृष्ण! मैं (न) न तो (विजयम्) विजय (काङ्क्षे) चाहता हूँ (च) और (न) न (राज्यम्) राज्य (च) तथा (सुखानि) सुखोंको ही (गोविन्द) हे गोविन्द! (नः) हमें ऐसे (राज्येन) राज्यसे (किम्) क्या प्रयोजन है (वा) अथवा ऐसे (भोगैः) भोगोंसे और (जीवितेन) जीवनसे भी (किम्) क्या लाभ है?। (32)