Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 1 Verse 40

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 1 Verse 40

Kulakshye, pranashyanti, kuldharmaH, sanatanaH,
Dharme, nashte, kulam’, krtsnnam’, adharmH, abhibhavti, ut ||40||

Translation: (Kulakshye) with the destruction of family (sanaatanaH) ancient /immemorial (kuldharmaH) laws of family (pranashyanti) are destroyed (dharme) of laws (nashte) on being destroyed (krtsnnam’) entire (kulam’) in the family (adharmH) sin (ut) also (abhibhavti) spreads a lot. (40)

Translation: With the destruction of family the ancient laws of the familiy are destroyed and with the destruction of the laws, sin also spreads a lot in the entire family.

कुलक्षये, प्रणश्यन्ति, कुलधर्माः, सनातनाः,
धर्मे, नष्टे, कुलम्, कृत्स्न्नम्, अधर्मः, अभिभवति, उत।।40।।

अनुवाद: (कुलक्षये) कुलके नाशसे (सनातनाः) सनातन (कुलधर्माः) कुलधर्म (प्रणश्यन्ति) नष्ट हो जाते हैं (धर्मे) धर्मके (नष्टे) नाश हो जानेपर (कृत्स्त्राम्) सम्पूर्ण (कुलम्) कुलमें (अधर्मः) पाप (उत) भी (अभिभवति) बहुत फैल जाता है। (40)