Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 10 Verse 2

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 10 Verse 2

Na, me, viduH, surganaaH, prbhavam, na, mahrshayH,
Aham, aadiH, hi, devaanam, mahrshinam, ch, sarvashH ||2||

Translation: (Me) my (prbhavam) origin (na) neither (surganaaH) the gods know and (na) nor (mahrshayH) great seers (viduH) know (hi) because (aham) I (sarvashH) in all respects (devaanam) of the gods (ch) and (mahrshinam) also of the great seers (aadiH) am the prime cause. (2)


Neither do the gods, nor the great seers know my origin because I am the prime cause of the gods and the great seers in all respects.

न, मे, विदुः, सुरगणाः, प्रभवम्, न, महर्षयः,
अहम्, आदिः, हि, देवानाम्, महर्षीणाम्, च, सर्वश्ः।।2।।

अनुवाद: (मे) मेरी (प्रभवम्) उत्पतिको (न) न (सुरगणाः) देवतालोग जानते हैं और (न) न (महर्षयः) महर्षिजन ही (विदुः) जानते हैं, (हि) क्योंकि (अहम्) मैं (सर्वशः) सब प्रकारसे (देवानाम्) देवताओंका (च) और (महर्षीणाम्) महर्षियोंका भी (आदिः) आदि कारण हूँ। (2)