Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 10 Verse 34

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 10 Verse 34

MrtyuH, sarvharH, ch, aham, udbhavH, ch, bhavishytaam,
KeertiH, sriH, vaak, ch, naarinaam, smrtiH, medha, dhrtiH, kshma ||34||

Translation: (Aham) I (sarvharH) who destroy everyone (mrtyuH) death (ch) and (bhavishytaam) those who are born (udbhavH) cause of origin (ch) and (naarinaam) among the women (keertiH) fame (shriH) fortune (vaak) speech (smritiH) memory (medha) intelligence (dhrtiH) steadfastness (ch) and (kshma) forgiveness. (34)


I am death who destroys everyone and the source of the origin of those who are born and among the women I am fame, fortune, speech, memory, intelligence, steadfastness and forgiveness.

मृृत्युः, सर्वहरः, च, अहम्, उद्भवः, च, भविष्यताम्,
कीर्तिः, श्रीः, वाक्, च, नारीणाम्, स्मृृतिः, मेधा, धृृतिः, क्षमा।।34।।

अनुवाद: (अहम्) मैं (सर्वहरः) सबका नाश करनेवाला (मृत्युः) मृत्यु (च) और (भविष्यताम्) उत्पन्न होनेवालोंका (उद्भवः) उत्पत्ति-हेतु हूँ (च) तथा (नारीणाम्) स्त्रिायोंमें (कीर्तिः) कीर्ति, (श्रीः) श्री, (वाक्) वाक्, (स्मृृतिः) स्मृृति, (मेधा) मेधा, (धृृतिः) धृति (च) और (क्षमा) क्षमा हूँ। (34)