Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 Verse 40

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 Verse 40

Na, ih, abhkrmnaashH, asti, prtyavaayH, na, vidhyate,
Svalpam’, api, asya, dharmasya, traayte, mahatH, bhayaat’ ||40||

Translation: (Ih) in this yog (abhikrmnaashH) destruction of beginning i.e. of seed (na) not (asti) is (prtyavaayH) result-like fault/sin also (na) not (vidhyate) know; rather (asya) this yog-like (dharmasya) religion’s (svalpam’) small amount of wealth of bhakti (api) even (mahatH) great (bhayaat’) from fear (traayte) protects. (40)


In this yog, there is no destruction of the beginning i.e. of the seed and also do not know the result-like fault/sin; rather, even a small amount of the wealth of bhakti of this religion of yog protects one from great fear.

न, इह, अभिक्रमनाशः, अस्ति, प्रत्यवायः, न, विद्यते,
स्वल्पम्, अपि, अस्य, धर्मस्य, त्रायते, महतः, भयात्।।40।।

अनुवाद: (इह) इस योगमें (अभिक्रमनाशः) आरम्भका अर्थात् बीजका नाश (न) नहीं (अस्ति) है और (प्रत्यवायः) उलटा फलरूप दोष भी (न) नहीं (विद्यते) जानते बल्कि (अस्य) इस योगरूप (धर्मस्य) धर्मका (स्वल्पम्) थोड़ा-सा भक्ति धन (अपि) भी (महतः) महान् (भयात्) भयसे (त्रायते) रक्षा कर लेता है। (40)