Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 Verse 63

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 Verse 63

Krodhaat, bhavti, sammohH, sammohaat, smrtivibhramH,
Smrtibhrnshaat, buddhinaashH, buddhinaashaat, pranashyati ||63||

Translation: (Krodhaat) from anger (sammohH) sheer foolishness (bhavti) arises (sammohaat) from foolishness (smrtivibhramH) leads to confusion in memory (smrtibhrnshaat) from confusion in memory (buddhinaashH) leads to destruction of intellect i.e. power of knowledge (buddhinaashaat) on destruction of intellect, this man, from his state (pranashyati) falls. (63)


From anger arises sheer foolishness; foolishness leads to confusion in memory; confusion in memory leads to destruction of intellect i.e. power of knowledge, and on destruction of intellect, this man falls from his state.

क्रोधात्, भवति, सम्मोहः, सम्मोहात्, स्मृतिविभ्रमः,
स्मृतिभ्रंशात्, बुद्धिनाशः, बुद्धिनाशात्, प्रणश्यति।।63।।

अनुवाद: (क्रोधात्) क्रोधसे (सम्मोहः) अत्यन्त मूढ़भाव (भवति) उत्पन्न हो जाता है (सम्मोहात्) मूढ़भावसे (स्मृतिविभ्रमः) स्मृतिमें भ्रम हो जाता है (स्मृतिभ्रंशात्) स्मृतिमें भ्रम हो जानेसे (बुद्धिनाशः) बुद्धि अर्थात् ज्ञान-शक्तिका नाश हो जाता है। और (बुद्धिनाशात्) बुद्धिका नाश हो जानेसे यह पुरुष अपनी स्थितिसे (प्रणश्यति) गिर जाता है। (63)