Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 18

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 18

GatiH, bharta, prabhuH, saakshi, nivaasH, sharnam’, suhrt’, prbhavH,
PrlayH, sthaanm’, nidhaanm’, beejam’, avyyam’ ||18||

Translation: I (GatiH) state (bharta) the maintainer (prabhuH) master (saakshi) the witness of good and bad (nivaasH) the residence (sharnam’) worth taking refuge of (suhrtH) the well-wisher who does not wish for return of favour (prbhavH, prlayH) the cause of everyone’s origin and destruction (sthaanm’) the basis of everyone’s state (nidhaanm’) reservoir (avyyam’) eternal (beejam’) am the cause. (18)


I am the maintainer of the state, the master, the witness of good and bad, residence, worth taking refuge of, the well-wisher who does not wish for return of favour, cause of everyone’s origin and destruction, the basis of everyone’s state, reservoir and the eternal cause.

गतिः, भर्ता, प्रभुः, साक्षी, निवासः, शरणम्, सुहृत्, प्रभवः,
प्रलयः, स्थानम्, निधानम्, बीजम्,अव्ययम्।।18।।

अनुवाद: मैं (गतिः) स्थिति (भर्ता) भरण-पोषण करनेवाला (प्रभुः) स्वामी (साक्षी) शुभाशुभका देखनेवाला (निवासः) वासस्थान (शरणम्) शरण लेने योग्य (सुहृत्) प्रत्युपकार न चाहकर हित करनेवाला (प्रभवः, प्रलयः) सबकी उत्पतिप्रलयका हेतु (स्थानम्) स्थितिका आधार (निधानम्) निधान और (अव्ययम्) अविनाशी (बीजम्) कारण हूँ। (18)