Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 6 Verse 10

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 6 Verse 10

Yogi, yunjeet, sattam, aatmaanam, rahsi, sthitH,
Ekaaki, yatchitaatma, niraashiH, aprigrhH ||10||

Translation: (Yatchittaama) who has controlled body along with mind and senses (niraashiH) free from expectation and (aprigrhH) free from possession (yogi) a devotee (ekaaki) alone (rahsi) lives in a solitary place and (sthitH) having established himself (aatmaanam) his soul (sattam) constantly in God (yunjit) engage. (10)


A devotee, free from expectation and possession, who has overpowered his body along with mind and senses, lives alone in a solitary place, and having established himself, should constantly engage his soul in God.

योगी, युजीत, सततम्, आत्मानम्, रहसि, स्थितः,
एकाकी, यतचित्तात्मा, निराशीः, अपरिग्रहः।।10।।

अनुवाद: (यतचित्तात्मा) मन और इन्द्रियोंसहित शरीरको वशमें रखनेवाला (निराशीः) आशारहित और (अपरिग्रहः) संग्रहरहित (योगी) साधक (एकाकी) अकेला ही (रहसि) एकान्त स्थानमें रहता है तथा (स्थितः) स्थित होकर (आत्मानम्) आत्माको (सतत्म) निरन्तर परमात्मामें (युजीत) लगावे। (10)