Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 6 Verse 26

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 6 Verse 26

YatH, yatH, nishcharti, manH, chanchalam, asthiram,
TatH, tatH, niyamya, etat, aatmani, ev, vasham, nayet ||26||

Translation: (Etat) This (asthiram) unsteady and (chanchalam) restless (manH) mind (yatH, yatH) wherever (nishcharti) wanders (tatH, tatH) from there (niyamya) removing (aatmani) a scripture-based devotee, a soul blessed by the Supreme God, with the support of his Supreme God (ev) only (vasham) control the mind (nayet) should do. (26)


Wherever this unsteady and restless mind wanders, removing it from there, a scripture-based devotee, a soul blessed by the Purna Parmatma, with the support of his Supreme God only should control the mind.

यतः, यतः, निश्चरति, मनः, चंचलम्, अस्थिरम्,
ततः, ततः, नियम्य, एतत्, आत्मनि, एव, वशम्, नयेत्।।26।।

अनुवाद: (एतत्) यह (अस्थिरम्) स्थिर न रहनेवाला और (चंचलम्) चंचल (मनः) मन (यतः,यतः) जहाँ-जहाँ (निश्चरति) विचरता है (ततः,ततः) उस उससे (नियम्य) हटाकर (आत्मनि) शास्त्र अनुकूल साधक पूर्ण परमात्मा की कृप्या पात्रा आत्मा अपने पूर्ण प्रभु के सहयोग से (एव) ही (वशम्) मनवश (नयेत्) करे। (26)