Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 16 Verse 11

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 16 Verse 11

Chintaam, aparimeyaam, ch, prlyaantaam, upaashritaH,
KaamopbhogparmaH, etaavat, iti, nishchitaH ||11||

Translation: (Prlyaantaam) which remain even after death (aparimeyaam) innumerable (chintaam) worries (upaashritaH) taking shelter of / obsessed with (kaamopbhogparmaH) who remain eager to enjoy the worldly enjoyments (ch) and (etaavat) only this is happiness (iti) thus (nishchitaH) believe. (11)


Obsessed with innumerable worries which remain even after death, they remain eager to enjoy the worldly enjoyments and thus believe that only this is happiness.

चिन्ताम्, अपरिमेयाम्, च, प्रलयान्ताम्, उपाश्रिताः,
कामोपभोगपरमाः, एतावत्, इति, निश्चिताः।।11।।

अनुवाद: (प्रलयान्ताम्) मृत्युपर्यन्त रहनेवाली (अपरिमेयाम्) असंख्य (चिन्ताम्) चिन्ताओंका (उपाश्रिताः) आश्रय लेनेवाले (कामोपभोगपरमाः) विषयभोगोंके भोगनेमें तत्पर रहनेवाले (च) और (एतावत्) इतना ही सुख है (इति) इस प्रकार (निश्चिताः) माननेवाले होते हैं। (11)