Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 16 Verse 17

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 16 Verse 17

AatmsambhaavitaH, stabdhaH, dhanmaanmadaanvitaH,
Yajante, naamyagyaeH, te, dambhen, avidhipoorvakam ||17||

Translation: (Te) they (aatmsambhaavitaH) who consider themselves to be superior (stabdhaH) firm on bad behaviour (dhanmaanmadaanvitaH) intoxicated with wealth and prestige (naamyagyaeH) by performing yagyas only for name i.e. by doing arbitrary bhakti (dambhen) with ostentation (avidhipoorvakam) opposite to the injunctions of the scriptures (yajante) worship. (17)


They, who consider themselves to be superior, firm on bad behaviour, intoxicated with wealth and prestige, worship with ostentation by performing yagyas only for name i.e. by doing arbitrary bhakti, which is opposite to the injunctions of the scriptures.

आत्सम्भाविताः, स्तब्धाः, धनमानमदान्विताः,
यजन्ते, नामयज्ञैः, ते, दम्भेन, अविधिपूर्वकम्।।17।।

अनुवाद: (ते) वे (आत्मसम्भाविताः) अपनेआपको ही श्रेष्ठ माननेवाले (स्तब्धाः) गंदे स्वभाव पर अडिग (धनमानमदान्विताः) धन और मानके मदसे युक्त होकर (नामयज्ञैः) नाममात्राके यज्ञोंद्वारा अर्थात् मनमानी भक्ति द्वारा (दम्भेन) पाखण्डसे (अविधिपूर्वकम्) शास्त्रा विधि रहित (यजन्ते) पूजन करते हैं। (17)