Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 16 Verse 8

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 16 Verse 8

Asatyam, aprtishtham, te, jagat, aahuH, aneeshvaram,
Aparasparsambhootam, kim, anyat, kaamhaitukam ||8||

Translation: (Te) those people with demoniac nature (aahuH) say that (jagat) world (aprtishtham) without any base (asatyam) unreal in every way and (aneeshvaram) without God (aparasparsambhootam) self-generated only by union of male and female (kaamhaitukam) only sex is its cause (anyat) apart from this (kim) what is. (8)


Those people with demoniac nature say that the world is without any base, is unreal in every way and is without God. It is self-generated only by the union of male and female. Only reproduction is its cause. What else is, apart from this? Those with such beliefs are of demoniac nature.

असत्यम्, अप्रतिष्ठम्, ते, जगत्, आहुः, अनीश्वरम्,
अपरस्परसम्भूतम्, किम्, अन्यत्, कामहैतुकम्।।8।।

अनुवाद: (ते) वे आसुरी स्वभाव वाले मनुष्य (आहुः) कहा करते हैं कि (जगत्) जगत् (अप्रतिष्ठम्) अवस्थारहित (असत्यम्) सर्वथा असत्य और (अनीश्वरम्) बिना ईश्वरके (अपरस्परसम्भूतम्) अपने-आप केवल नर-मादाके संयोगसे उत्पन्न है (कामहैतुकम्) केवल काम अर्थात् सैक्स ही इसका कारण है (अन्यत्) इसके सिवा और (किम्) क्या है। ऐसी धारणा वाले प्राणी राक्षस स्वभाव के होते हैं। (8)