Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 16 Verse 9

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 16 Verse 9

Etaam, drshtim, avashtabhya, nashtaatmaanH, alpbuddhyH,
Prbhvanti, ugrkarmaanH, kshyaay, jagatH, ahitaaH ||9||

Translation: (Etaam) this (drshtim) point of view, false knowledge (avashtabhya) by following (nashtaatmaanH) the disgraceful souls (alpbuddhyH) who are dim-witted (ahitaH) who harm everyone (ugrkarmaanH) who perform cruel deeds (jagatH) world (kshyaay) for destruction (prbhvanti) are born. (9)


With this point of view, following the false knowedge, the disgraceful souls, who are dim-witted, who harm everyone, who perform cruel deeds, are born for the destruction of the world.

एताम्, दृष्टिम्, अवष्टभ्य, नष्टात्मानः, अल्पबुद्धयः,
प्रभवन्ति, उग्रकर्माणः, क्षयाय, जगतः, अहिताः।।9।।

अनुवाद: (एताम्) इस (दृष्टिम्) अपने दृष्टि कोण से मिथ्या ज्ञानको (अवष्टभ्य) अवलम्बन करके (नष्टात्मानः) नाशात्मा (अल्पबुद्धयः) जिनकी बुद्धि मन्द है वे (अहिताः) सबका अपकार करनेवाले (उग्रकर्माणः) भयंकर कर्म करने वाले क्रूरकर्मी (जगतः) जगत्के (क्षयाय) नाशके लिये ही (प्रभवन्ति) उत्पन्न होते हैं। (9)