Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 Verse 13

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 Verse 13

DehinH, asmin, yatha, dehe, kaumaaram, yauvnam, jaraa,
Tatha, dehaantarpraaptiH, dheerH, tatr, na, muhyati ||13||

Translation: (Yatha) Just as (dehinH) soul has (asmin) this (dehe) in the body (kaumaaram) childhood (yauvanam) youth and (jaraa) old age (tatha) similarly (dehaantarpraaptiH) another body is acquired (tatr) on that subject (dheerH) a steadfast man (na, muhyati) does not get bewildered. (13)


Just as the soul in this body has a childhood, youth and old age; similarly, it acquires another body. A steadfast man does not get bewildered on that subject.

देहिनः, अस्मिन्, यथा, देहे, कौमारम्, यौवनम्, जरा,
तथा, देहान्तरप्राप्तिः, धीरः, तत्रा, न, मुह्यति।।13।।

अनुवाद: (यथा) जैसे (देहिनः) जीवात्माकी (अस्मिन्) इस (देहे) देहमें (कौमारम्) बालकपन (यौवनम्) जवानी और (जरा) वृद्धावस्था होती है (तथा) वैसे ही (देहान्तरप्राप्तिः) अन्य शरीरकी प्राप्ति होती है (तत्रा) उस विषयमें (धीरः) धीर पुरुष (न, मुह्यति) मोहित नहीं होता। (13)