Yam, hi, na, vyathyanti, ete, purusham, purusharshabh,
SamduHkhsukham, dheeram, saH, amrtatvaay, kalpate ||15||
Translation: (Hi) because (purusharshabh) O best among men! (samduHkhsukham) one who considers sorrows and joys to be same (yam) whom (dheeram) steadfast i.e Tatvdarshi (purusham) man (ete) these (na vyathyanti) do not disturb (saH) he (amrtatvaay) the happiness of Purna Parmatma/ the Supreme God (kalpate) is worthy. (15)
Because O best among men! A steadfast i.e. Tatvdarshi man, who considers sorrows and joys to be same, whom these do not disturb, he is worthy of the happiness of Purna Parmatma.
यम्, हि, न, व्यथयन्ति, एते, पुरुषम्, पुरुषर्षभ,
समदुःखसुखम्, धीरम्, सः, अमृतत्वाय, कल्पते।।15।।
अनुवाद: (हि) क्योंकि (पुरुषर्षभ) हे पुरुषश्रेष्ठ! (समदुःखसुखम्) दुःख-सुखको समान समझनेवाले (यम्) जिस(धीरम्) धीर अर्थात् तत्वदर्शी (पुरुषम्) पुरुषको (एते) ये (न व्यथयन्ति) व्याकुल नहीं करते (सः) वह (अमृतत्वाय) पूर्ण परमात्मा के आनन्द के (कल्पते) योग्य होता है। (15)