Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 Verse 2

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 Verse 2

(Bhagwan uvaach)

KutH, tva, kashmalam’, idam’, vishme, samupasthitam’,
Anaryajushtam’, aswargyam’, akeertikaram’, Arjun ||2||

(God said)

Translation: (Arjun) O Arjun! (tva) You, in this (vishme) miserable unsuitable time (idam’) this (kashmalam’) affection (kutH) with what motive (samupasthitam’) come to you? because (anaryajushtam’) this is a character of inferior men (aswargyam’) will not lead to heaven and (akeertikaram’) going to bring disgrace only. (2)


O Arjun! With what motive did this affection come to you at this miserable unsuitable time? Because this is a character of inferior men; it will not lead to heaven and is only going to bring disgrace.

(भगवान उवाच)

कुतः, त्वा, कश्मलम्, इदम्, विषमे, समुपस्थितम्,
अनार्यजुष्टम्, अस्वग्र्यम्, अकीर्तिकरम्, अर्जुन।।2।।

अनुवाद: (अर्जुन) हे अर्जुन! (त्वा) तुझे इस (विषमे) दुःखदाई असमयमें (इदम्) यह (कश्मलम्) मोह (कुतः) किस हेतुसे (समुपस्थितम्) प्राप्त हुआ? क्योंकि (अनार्यजुष्टम्) यह अश्रेष्ठ पुरुषोंका चरित है (अस्वग्र्यम्) न स्वर्गको देनेवाला है और (अकीर्तिकरम्) अपकीर्तिको करनेवाला ही है। (2)