Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 Verse 21

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 Verse 21

Ved, avinaashinam, nityam, yaH, enam, ajam, avyyam,
Katham, saH, purushH, paarth, kam, ghaatyati, hanti, kam ||21||

Translation: (Paarth) Oh Arjun! (yaH) one who (enam) this God along with the soul (avinaashinam) indestructible (nityam) eternal (ajam) unborn, and (avyyam) immortal (ved) knows (saH) that (purushH) person (kam) whom (ghaatyati) gets killed and (katham) how (kam) whom (hanti) kills? (21)


Oh Arjun! One who knows this God along with the soul to be indestructible, eternal, unborn and immortal, whom does that person get killed and how does He kill anyone.

(In Adhyay 2 Shlok 22-23, the state of the soul has been described.)

वेद, अविनाशिनम्, नित्यम्, यः, एनम्, अजम्, अव्ययम्,
कथम्, सः, पुरुषः, पार्थ, कम्, घातयति, हन्ति, कम्।।21।।

अनुवाद: (पार्थ) हे पृथापुत्रा अर्जुन! (यः) जो व्यक्ति (एनम्) इस आत्म सहित परमात्मा को (अविनाशिनम्) नाशरहित (नित्यम्) नित्य (अजम्) अजन्मा और (अव्ययम्) अविनाशी (वेद) जानता है (सः) वह (पुरुषः) व्यक्ति (कम्) किसको (घातयति) मरवाता है और (कथम्) कैसे (कम्) किसको (हन्ति) मारता है? (21)

(अध्याय 2 श्लोक 22-23 में जीवात्मा की स्थिति बताई है।)