Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 Verse 25

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 Verse 25

AvyaktH, ayam, achintyaH, ayam, avikaaryaH, ayam, uchyate,
Tasmaat, evam, viditva, enam, na, anushochitum, arhasi ||25||

Translation: (Ayam) This God with this soul (avyaktH) lives secretively (ayam) this (achintyaH) is inconceivable and (ayam) this (avikaaryH) flawless (uchyate) is said to be (tasmaat) therefore, Oh Arjun! (enam) this God (evam) in such a way (viditva) knowing, you (anushochitum) to grieve (na, arhasi) not worthy of i.e. it is inappropriate for you to grieve. (25)


This God lives secretively with this soul. This God is inconceivable and this is said to be flawless. Therefore, Oh Arjun! After knowing this God in such a way, you are not worthy of grieving i.e. it is inappropriate for you to grieve. Meaning is that when God is with the living being then no harm can happen to a living being.

अव्यक्तः, अयम्, अचिन्त्यः, अयम्, अविकार्यः, अयम्, उच्यते,
तस्मात्, एवम्, विदित्वा, एनम्, न, अनुशोचितुम्, अर्हसि।।25।।

अनुवाद: (अयम्) यह परमात्मा इस आत्मा के साथ (अव्यक्तः) गुप्त रहता है (अयम्) यह (अचिन्त्यः) अचिन्त्य है और (अयम्) यह (अविकार्यः) विकाररहित (उच्यते) कहा जाता है। (तस्मात्) इससे हे अर्जुन! (एनम्) इस परमात्मा को (एवम्) इस प्रकारसे (विदित्वा) जानकर तू (अनुशोचितुम्) शोक करनेके (न, अर्हसि) योग्य नहीं है अर्थात् तुझे शोक करना उचित नहीं है। भावार्थ है कि जब परमात्मा जीव के साथ है तो जीव का अहित नहीं होता। (25)