Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 Verse 38

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 Verse 38

SukhduHkhe, sme, krtva, laabhaalaabhau, jayaajayau,
TatH, yuddhaay, yujyasv, na, evam, paapam’, avaapsyasi ||38||

Translation: (Jyaajyau) victory-defeat (laabhaalaabhau) gain-loss and (sukhduHkhe) joy-sorrow (sme) alike (krtva) considering (tatH) after that (yuddhaay) for the battle (yujyasv) get ready (evam’) thus (paapam’) sin (na) not (avaapsyasi) will incur. (38)


After considering victory-defeat, gain-loss, and joy-sorrow alike, get ready for the battle. Thus, you will not incur sin.

सुखदुःखे, समे, कृत्वा, लाभालाभौ, जयाजयौ,
ततः, युद्धाय, युज्यस्व, न, एवम्, पापम्, अवाप्स्यसि।।38।।

अनुवाद: (जयाजयौ) जय-पराजय (लाभालाभौ) लाभ-हानि और (सुखदुःखे) सुख-दुःखको (समे) समान (कृत्वा) समझकर (ततः) उसके बाद (युद्धाय) युद्धके लिये (युज्यस्व) तैयार हो जा (एवम्) इस प्रकार (पापम्) पापको (न) नहीं (अवाप्स्यसि) प्राप्त होगा। (38)