Vyavsaayaatmika, buddhiH, eka, ih, kurunandan,
BahushaakhaH, hi, anantaH, ch, buddhyaH, avyavsaayinaam’ ||41||
Translation: (Kurunandan) O Arjun! (ih) in this yog (vyavsaayaatmika) resolute (buddhiH) intellect and knowledgeable speech (eka) is only one, but (avyavsaayinaam’) of men who are irresolute, thoughtless, desirous (buddhyaH) intellects i.e. viewpoints on knowledge (hi) certainly (bahushaakhaH) with many differences (ch) and (anantaH) is unlimited. (41)
O Arjun! In this yog, resolute intellect and knowledgeable speech is only one, but the intellects i.e. viewpoints on knowledge of men, who are irresolute, thoughtless and desirous are definitely with many differences and unlimited.
व्यवसायात्मिका, बुद्धिः, एका, इह, कुरुनन्दन,
बहुशाखाः, हि, अनन्ताः, च, बुद्धयः, अव्यवसायिनाम्।।41।।
अनुवाद: (कुरुनन्दन) हे अर्जुन! (इह) इस योगमें (व्यवसायात्मिका) निश्चयात्मिका (बुद्धिः) बुद्धि व ज्ञान वाणी (एका) एक ही होती है किंतु (अव्यवसायिनाम्) अस्थिर विचारवाले विवेकहीन सकाम मनुष्योंकी (बुद्धयः) बुद्धियाँ अर्थात् ज्ञान विचार धाराऐं (हि) निश्चय ही (बहुशाखाः) बहुत भेदोंवाली (च) और (अनन्ताः) अनन्त होती है। (41)