Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 Verse 47

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 Verse 47

Karmani, ev, adhikaarH, te, ma, faleshu, kadaachan,
Ma, karmfalhetuH, bhooH, ma, te, sangH, astu, akarmni ||47||

Translation: (Te) your (karmni) in performing action (ev) only (adhikaarH) have right (faleshu) in fruits (kadaachan) at all (ma) not; therefore you (karmfalhetuH) with the motive of fruits of actions (ma, bhooH) do not be; and (te) your (akarmni) non-performance of action also (sangH) attachment (ma) not (astu) be. (47)


You only have right to perform action and never to its fruit. Therefore, you do not be the cause of the fruits of actions and you should also not have attachment to non-performance of action.

कर्मणि, एव, अधिकारः, ते, मा, फलेषु, कदाचन,
मा, कर्मफलहेतुः, भूः, मा, ते, संगः, अस्तु, अकर्मणि।।47।।

अनुवाद: (ते) तेरा (कर्मणि) कर्म करनेमें (एव) ही (अधिकारः) अधिकार है उसके (फलेषु) फलोंमें (कदाचन) कभी (मा) नहीं। इसलिए तू (कर्मफलहेतुः) कर्मोंके फलका हेतु (मा, भूः) मत हो तथा (ते) तेरी (अकर्मणि) कर्म न करनेमें भी (संगः) आसक्ति (मा) न (अस्तु) हो। (47)