Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 Verse 49

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 Verse 49

Dooren, hi, avaram’, karm, buddhiyogaat’, Dhananjay,
Buddhau, sharnam’, anvichchh, krpnaH, falhetavH ||49||

Translation: (Buddhiyogaat’) the self-deduced conclusion of the path of bhakti i.e. arbitrary behaviour i.e. from one’s own mind (karm) the act of bhakti (dooren) very (avaram’) of low standard. Therefore (Dhananjay) Oh Dhananjay! You (buddhao) a saint who imparts knowledge about the Supreme God (sharnam’) refuge (anvichchh) seek i.e. take shelter of the way of bhakti of only one Supreme God described by the Tatvdarshi saints (hi) because (falhetavH) those who become cause of fruits/results (krpnaH) are most pitiful. (49)


The self-deduced conclusion of the path of bhakti i.e. arbitrary behaviour i.e. the act of bhakti from one’s own mind is of a very low standard. Therefore, Oh Dhanajay! You must seek the refuge of a saint who imparts knowledge about one Supreme God i.e. you must take shelter of the way of bhakti of only one Supreme God described by the Tatvdarshi saints because most pitiful are those who become the cause of fruits/results.

दूरेण, हि, अवरम्, कर्म, बुद्धियोगात्, धनजय,
बुद्धौ, शरणम्, अन्विच्छ, कृपणाः, फलहेतवः।।49।।

अनुवाद: (बुद्धियोगात्) अपने आप निकाला भक्ति मार्ग का निष्कर्ष अर्थात् मनमाना आचरण अर्थात् अपनी बुद्धियोगसे (कर्म) भक्ति कर्म (दूरेण) अत्यन्त ही (अवरम्) निम्न श्रेणीका है। इसलिये (धन×जय) हे धन×जय! तू (बुद्धौ) एक पूर्ण परमात्मा का ज्ञान देने वाले संत की (शरणम्) शरण (अन्विच्छ) ढूँढ़ अर्थात् तत्वदर्शी संतों द्वारा बताया एक पूर्ण प्रभु की भक्ति साधन का ही आश्रय ग्रहण कर (हि) क्योंकि (फलहेतवः) फलके हेतु बननेवाले (कृपणाः) अत्यन्त दीन हैं। (49)