Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 Verse 5

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 Verse 5

Gurun’, ahatva, hi, mahaanubhaavaan’, shreyH, bhoktum’,
Bhaikshyam’, api, ih, loke, hatva, arthkaamaan’, tu,
Gurun’, ih, ev, bhunjeeye, bhogaan’, rudhirprdigdhaan’ ||5||

Translation: (Mahaanubhaavaan’) eminent (gurun’) teachers (ahatva) instead of killing, I (ih) this (loke) in the world (bhaikshyam’) begged food (api) also (bhoktum’) eat (shreyH) consider auspicious (hi) because (gurun’) teachers (hatva) even on killing (ih) in this world (rudhirprdigdhaan’) stained with blood (arthkaamaan’) wealth and lust-like (bhogaan’ ev) worldly pleasures only (tu) but (bhunjeeye) will enjoy. (5)


Instead of killing eminent teachers, I even consider it auspicious to eat begged food in this world. Because even after killing the teachers, I will only enjoy blood-stained wealth and lust-like pleasures in this world.

गुरून्, अहत्वा, हि, महानुभावान्, श्रेयः, भोक्तुम्,
भैक्ष्यम्, अपि, इह, लोके, हत्वा, अर्थकामान्, तु,
गुरून्, इह, एव, भुजीय, भोगान्, रुधिरप्रदिग्धान्,।। 5।।

अनुवाद: (महानुभावान्) महानुभाव (गुरुन्) गुरुजनोंको (अहत्वा) न मारकर मैं (इह) इस (लोके) लोकमें (भैक्ष्यम्) भिक्षाका अन्न (अपि) भी (भोक्तुम्) खाना (श्रेयः) कल्याणकारक समझता हूँ (हि) क्योंकि (गुरुन्) गुरुजनोंको (हत्वा) मारकर भी (इह) इस लोकमें (रुधिरप्रदिग्धान्) रुधिरसे सने हुए (अर्थकामान्) अर्थ और कामरूप (भोगान् एव) भोगोंको ही (तु) तो (भुजीय) भोगूँगा। (5)