Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 Verse 50

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 Verse 50

BuddhiyuktH, jahaati, ih, ubhe, sukrtdushkrte,
Tasmaat’, yogaay, yujyasv, yogH, karmsu, kaushlam’ ||50||

Translation: (BuddhiyuktH) endowed with equanimity of mind i.e. a devotee engrossed in the true scripture-based path of bhakti directed by a Tatvdarshi Saint (sukrtdushkrte) good deeds, like, the arbitrary religious practices which he was performing considering them to be auspicious or according to the path directed by me, jaap of Om and yagyas etc virtuous deeds that he used to do, that virtuous deed and the evil acts sin-like consumption of meat-alcohol-tobacco etc intoxicating substances, these (ubhe) both of (ih) in this very world i.e. in Kaal lok (jahaati) gives up i.e. acts according to the directions of the Complete Saint (tasmaat’) therefore you (yogaay) scripture-based way of worship i.e. true bhakti (yujyasv) get involved/follow, this (yogH) path of bhakti directed by the Tatvdarshi saint (karmsu) in the acts of bhakti (kaushlam’) is conducive to well-being i.e. is wise. (50)


Endowed with equanimity of mind i.e. a devotee engrossed in the true scripture-based path of bhakti directed by a Tatvdarshi Saint gives up both of these – good deeds, like, the arbitrary religious practices which he was performing considering them to be auspicious or according to the path directed by me - jaap of ‘Om’ and yagyas etc, the virtuous deeds that he used to do, and the evil acts – sin-like consumption of meat-alcohol-tobacco etc intoxicating substances, in this very lok i.e. Kaal lok i.e. he  acts according to the directions of the Complete Saint. Therefore, you engage in scripture-based way of worship i.e. in true bhakti. Among the acts of Bhakti, only this path of bhakti directed by the Tatvdarshi saint is conducive to well-being i.e. is a wise act.

बुद्धियुक्तः, जहाति, इह, उभे, सुकृतदुष्कृते,
तस्मात् योगाय, युज्यस्व, योगः, कर्मसु, कौशलम्।।50।।

अनुवाद: (बुद्धियुक्तः) समबुद्धियुक्त अर्थात् तत्वदर्शी संत द्वारा बताया वास्तविक एक रूप शास्त्रा अनुकूल भक्ति मार्ग पर लगा साधक पुरुष (सुकृतदुष्कृते) अच्छे कर्म जैसे मनमानी पूजाऐं जो सुकृत मान कर कर रहा था या मेरे बताए मार्ग अनुसार ओम् का जाप व यज्ञ आदि पुण्य करता था उस पुण्य को तथा बुरे कर्म जैसे मांस-मदिरा-तम्बाखु आदि नशीली वस्तुओं के सेवन रूपी दुष्कर्म पाप इन (उभे) दोनोंको (इह)इसी लोक में अर्थात् काल लोक में (जहाति) त्याग देता है अर्थात् जैसे पूर्ण संत कहता है वैसे ही करता है (तस्मात्) इसलिए तू (योगाय) शास्त्रा विधि अनुसार साधना अर्थात् समत्वरूप योगमें (युज्यस्व) लग जा यह (योगः) तत्वदर्शी संत द्वारा बताया भक्ति मार्ग ही (कर्मसु) भक्ति कर्मों में (कौशलम्) कुशलता है अर्थात् बुद्धिमत्ता है। (50)

यही प्रमाण गीता अध्याय 18 श्लोक 66 में है जिसमें कहा है कि मेरी सर्व धार्मिक पूजाओं को मेरे में त्याग कर उस पूर्ण परमात्मा की शरण में जा तब मैं तुझे सर्व पापों से मुक्त कर दूंगा।