Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 Verse 62

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 Verse 62

DhyaayatH, vishyaan, punsH, sang, teshu, upjaayte, sangaat,
Sanjaayte, kaamH, kaamaat, krodhH, abhijaayte ||62||

Translation: (Vishyaan) worldly enjoyments/sense objects (dhyaayatH) one who broods over (punsH) man’s (teshu) in those sense objects/worldly enjoyments (sang) attachment (upjaayte) develops (sangaat) from attachment (kaamH) desire of those worldly enjoyments (sanjaayte) arises (kaamaat) from hinderance in fulfilment of desires (krodhH) anger (abhijaayte) arises. (62)


One, who broods over worldly enjoyments, develops attachment to those worldly enjoyments. From attachment arises the desire of those worldly enjoyments and from hinderance in fulfilment of desires, arises anger.

ध्यायतः, विषयान्, पुंसः, संग, तेषु, उपजायते, संगात्,
सजायते, कामः, कामात्, क्रोधः, अभिजायते।। 62।।

अनुवाद: (विषयान्) विषयोंका (ध्यायतः) चिन्तन करनेवाले (पुंसः) पुरुषकी (तेषु) उन विषयोंमें (संग) आसक्ति (उपजायते) उत्पन्न हो जाती है (संगात्) आसक्तिसे (कामः) उन विषयोंकी कामना (स×जायते) उत्पन्न होती है और (कामात्) कामना में विघ्न पड़ने से (क्रोधः) क्रोध (अभिजायते) उत्पन्न होता है। (62)