Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 Verse 69

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 Verse 69

Ya, nisha, sarvbhootaanaam, tasyaam, jaagrti, sanyami,
Yasyaam, jaagrti, bhootaani, sa, nisha, pashyatH, muneH ||69||

Translation: (Sarvabhootaanaam) to all the living beings (ya) which (nisha) is like a night (tasyaam) in the attainment of that eternal knowledge-like Parmanand/Supreme happiness-giving God (sanyami) a yogi with stable mind (jaagrti) remains awake, and (yasyaam) in the acquisition of short-lived worldly pleasures (bhootaani) all the living beings (jaagrti) remain awake (pashyatH) one who knows the truth about God (muneH) for the sage (sa) that (nisha) is like a night. (69)


For all the living beings, which is like a night, in the attainment of that eternal knowledge-like Supreme happiness-giving God, a yogi with a stable mind remains awake. All the living beings remain awake for the acquisition of short-lived worldly pleasures and for that sage who knows the truth about God that is like a night.

या, निशा, सर्वभूतानाम्, तस्याम्, जागर्ति, संयमी,
यस्याम्, जाग्रति, भूतानि, सा, निशा, पश्यतः, मुनेः।।69।।

अनुवाद: (सर्वभूतानाम्) सम्पूर्ण प्राणियों के लिये (या) जो (निशा) रात्रिके समान है (तस्याम्) उस नित्य ज्ञानस्वरूप परमानन्दकी प्राप्तिमें (संयमी) स्थितप्रज्ञ योगी (जाग्रति) जागता है और (यस्याम्) जिस नाशवान् सांसारिक सुखकी प्राप्ति में (भूतानि) सब प्राणी (जाग्रति) जागते हैं (पश्यतः) परमात्माके तत्वको जाननेवाले (मुनेः) मुनिके लिये (सा) वह (निशा) रात्रिके समान है। (69)