Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 Verse 7

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 Verse 7

KaarpanyadoshopahatswabhavH, prchchhami, tvaam’,
DharmsammoodchetaH, yat’, shreyH, syaat’, nishchitam’, broohi,
Tat’, me, shishyaH, te, aham’, shaadhi, mam’, tvaam’, prpannam’ ||7||

Translation: (KaarpanyadoshopahatswabhavH) with the nature of being overpowered by the fault of cowardliness (dharmsammoodchetaH) I, who is bewildered on the subject of righteousness (tvaam’) from you (prchchhami) ask that (yat’) the way, which (nishchitam’) certainly (shreyH) auspicious (syaat’) is (tat’) that (me) for me (broohi) tell because (aham’) I (te) your (shishyaH) am disciple (tvaam’) your (prpannam’) in refuge (mam’) to me (shaadhi) instruct. (7)


I, with the nature of being overpowered by the fault of cowardliness and bewildered on the subject of righteousness, ask you that tell me whatever is certainly auspicious for me because I am your disciple. Therefore, instruct me, who is in your refuge.

कार्पण्यदोषोपहतस्वभावः, पृच्छामि, त्वाम्,
धर्मसम्मूढचेताः, यत्, श्रेयः, स्यात्, निश्चितम्, ब्रूहि,
तत्, मे, शिष्यः, ते, अहम्, शाधि, माम्, त्वाम्, प्रपन्नम्।।7।।

अनुवाद: (कार्पण्यदोषोपहतस्वभावः) कायरतारूप दोषसे उपहत हुए स्वभाववाला तथा (धर्मसम्मूढचेताः) धर्मके विषयमें मोहितचित्त हुआ मैं (त्वाम्) आपसे (पृच्छामि) पूछता हूँ कि (यत्) जो साधन (निश्चितम्) निश्चित (श्रेयः) कल्याणकारक (स्यात्) हो (तत्) वह (मे) मेरे लिए (बू्रहि) कहिये क्योंकि (अहम्) मैं (ते) आपका (शिष्यः) शिष्य हूँ इसलिए (त्वाम्) आपके (प्रपन्नम्) शरण हुए (माम्) मुझको (शाधि) शिक्षा दीजिये। (7)