Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 3 Verse 1

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 3 Verse 1

(Arjun uvaach)

Jyaayasi, chet, karmanH, te, mta, buddhiH, janardan,
Tat, kim, karmani, ghorey, mam, niyojayasi, keshav ||1||

(Arjun said)

Translation: (Janardan) O Janardan! (chet) if (te) you (karmanH) in relation to action (buddhiH) knowledge given by Taatavdarshi (jyaayasi) superior (mta) accepted (tat) then (Keshav) Oh Keshav! (mam) me, sitting in one place, restraining senses, keeping neck and head straight – described in Gita Adhyay 6 Shlok 10 to 15 (ghorey) and fighting like terrible (karmani) inferior act (kim) why (niyojayasi) engage in. (1)


O Janardan! If you accept the knowledge given by Tatvdarshi as superior in relation to action, then Oh Keshav! Why do you engage me in this terrible and inferior act of fighting and restraining senses by sitting in one place keeping neck and head straight as described in Gita Adhyay 6 Shlok 10 to 15?

(अर्जुन उवाच)

ज्यायसी, चेत्, कर्मणः, ते, मता, बुद्धिः, जनार्दन,
तत्, किम्, कर्मणि, घोरे, माम्, नियोजयसि, केशव।।1।।

अनुवाद: (जनार्दन) हे जनार्दन! (चेत्) यदि (ते) आपको (कर्मणः) कर्मकी अपेक्षा (बुद्धिः) तत्वदर्शी द्वारा दिया ज्ञान (ज्यायसी) श्रेष्ठ (मता) मान्य है (तत्) तो फिर (केशव) हे केशव! (माम्) मुझे एक स्थान पर बैठ कर इन्द्रियों को रोक कर, गर्दन व सिर को सीधा रख कर गीता अध्याय 6 श्लोक 10 से 15 तक वर्णित (घोरे) तथा युद्ध करने जैसे भयंकर (कर्मणि) तुच्छ कर्ममें (किम्) क्यों (नियोजयसि) लगाते हैं। (1)