Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 3 Verse 10

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 3 Verse 10

SahyagyaH, prjaH, srshtva, pura, uvaach, prjapatiH,
Anen, prsvishyadhvm, eshH, vaH, astu, ishtkamdhuk ||10||

Translation: (PrjapatiH) Prjapati, the Lord of all beings (pura) in the beginning of creation (sahyagyaH) along with yagya (prjaH) all beings (srshtva) creating (uvaach) said that (anen) the religious act performed with food grain, which is known as Dharmyagya, in which a common meal is provided etc, by this yagya (prsvishyadhvam) attain prosperity and (vaH) to you (eshH) this Purna Parmatma/ Supreme God (ishtkamdhuk) the God situated in yagya only, giver of desired pleasures (astu) be. (10)


Prjapati, the lord of all beings, in the beginning of creation after creating all beings along with yagya, said to them that you may prosper from the yagya (religious acts) performed with food grain which is known as Dharmyagya, in which a common meal is provided etc, and may this Supreme God only, situated in yagya, be the giver of desired pleasures to you.

सहयज्ञाः, प्रजाः, सृष्टा , पुरा, उवाच, प्रजापतिः,
अनेन, प्रसविष्यध्वम्, एषः, वः, अस्तु, इष्टकामधुक्।।10।।

अनुवाद: (प्रजापतिः) प्रजापति ने (पुरा) कल्पके आदिमें (सहयज्ञाः) यज्ञसहित (प्रजाः) प्रजाओंको (सृष्टा ) रचकर उनसे (उवाच) कहा कि (अनेन) अन्न द्वारा होने वाला धार्मिक कर्म जिसे धर्म यज्ञ कहते हैं, जिसमें भण्डारे करना आदि है, इस यज्ञके द्वारा (प्रसविष्यध्वम्) वृद्धिको प्राप्त होओ और (वः) तुम को (एषः) यह पूर्ण परमात्मा (इष्टकामधुक्) यज्ञ में प्रतिष्ठित इष्ट ही इच्छित भोग प्रदान करनेवाला (अस्तु) हो। (10)