Chapter 3 Verse 2

Chapter 3 Verse 2

Vyamishren, iv, vaakyen, buddhim, mohyasi, iv, me,
Tat, ekam, vad, nishchitya, yen, shreyH, aham, aapnuyaam ||2||

Translation: (vyamishren, iv) these kinds of mixed i.e. contradictory (vaakyen) statements (me) my (buddhim) mind (mohyasi, iv) are confusing, therefore (tat) that (ekam) one thing (nishchitya) with conviction (vad) tell (yen) by which (aham) I (shreyH) well-being (aapnuyaam) shall attain. (2)


These kinds of contradictory statements are confusing my mind. Therefore, tell me with conviction that one thing by which I shall attain well-being.

व्यामिश्रेण, इव, वाक्येन, बुद्धिम्, मोहयसि, इव, मे,
तत्, एकम्, वद, निश्चित्य, येन, श्रेयः, अहम्, आप्नुयाम्।।2।।

अनुवाद: (व्यामिश्रेण,इव) इस प्रकार आप मिले हुए से अर्थात् दो तरफा (वाक्येन) वचनोंसे (मे) मेरी (बुद्धिम्) बुद्धि (मोहयसि,इव) भ्रमित हो रही है इसलिए (तत्) उस (एकम्) एक बातको (निश्चित्य) निश्चित करके (वद) कहिये (येन) जिससे (अहम्) मैं (श्रेयः) कल्याणको (आप्नुयाम्) प्राप्त हो जाऊँ। (2)