Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 3 Verse 29

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 3 Verse 29

PrkrteH, gunsammoodaH, sajjante, gunkarmsu,
Taan, akrtsannvidH, mandaan, krtsannvit, na, vichaalyet ||29||

Translation: (PrkrteH) the three sons of Prakriti born of Prakriti (gunsammoodaH) foolish persons extremely deluded by the gunas i.e. Rajgun Brahma Ji, Satgun Vishnu Ji, Tamgun Shiv Ji (gunkarmsu) in the acts of sadhna of the gunas i.e. the three gods (sajjante) remain engrossed (taan) those (akrtsannvidH) who do not fully understand i.e. who do sadhna relinquishing the scripture-based way of worship, who are following their impulse, those (mandaan) dim-witted uneducated people (krtsannvit) the knowledgeable person who knows the true bhakti i.e. one who does scripture-based sadhna (na, vichaalyet) the dim-witted ignorants who by nature are firm on the sadhna of the three gunas i.e. Shri Brahma Ji, Shri Vishnu Ji and Shri Shiv Ji, can not deviate them from their wrong way of worship, i.e. it is very difficult to deviate them; they are surely ruined. Its evidence is also given in Gita Adhyay 7 Shlok 12 to 15. (29)


Foolish persons, extremely deluded by the three gunas, the sons of Prakriti born of Prakriti, i.e. Rajgun Brahma Ji, Satgun Vishnu Ji, Tamgun Shiv Ji, remain engrossed in the acts of sadhna of the gunas i.e the three gods. The knowledgeable person who knows the true bhakti i.e. who does scripture-based sadhna can not deviate the dim-witted uneducated people i.e. ignorants, who do not fully understand i.e. who relinquishing the scripture-based way of worship act by nature and are firm on the sadhna of the three gunas i.e. Shri Brahma Ji, Shri Vishnu Ji, Shri Shiv Ji, from their wrong sadhna; they are surely ruined. Its evidence is also given in Gita Adhyay 7 Shlok 12-15.

प्रकृृतेः, गुणसम्मूढाः, सज्जन्ते, गुणकर्मसु,
तान्, अकृत्स्न्नविदः, मन्दान्, कृत्स्न्नवित्, न, विचालयेत्।।29।।

अनुवाद: (प्रकृतेः) प्रकृति से उत्पन्न प्रकृति के पुत्रा तीनों (गुणसम्मूढाः) गुणों अर्थात् रजगुण ब्रह्मा जी, सतगुण विष्णु जी, तमगुण शिव जी से अत्यन्त मोहित हुए मुर्ख मनुष्य (गुणकर्मसु) गुणों अर्थात् तीनों प्रभुओं की साधना के कर्मोंमें (सज्जन्ते) आसक्त रहते हैं (तान्) उन (अकृृत्स्त्राविदः) पूर्णतया न समझनेवाले अर्थात् शास्त्रा विधि त्याग कर साधना करने वाले जो स्वभाव वश चल रहे हैं उन (मन्दान्) मन्दबुद्धि अशिक्षितों को (कृत्स्त्रावित्) सत्यभक्ति जाननेवाला ज्ञानी अर्थात् शास्त्रा अनुसार साधना करने वाले (न, विचालयेत्) मन्द बुद्धि अज्ञानियों को जो स्वभाववश तीनों गुणों अर्थात् श्री ब्रह्मा जी, श्री विष्णु जी तथा श्री शिव जी तक की साधना पर अडिग हैं, उनकी गलत साधना से विचलित नहीं कर सकते अर्थात् बहुत कठिन है, वे तो नष्ट ही हैं। इसी का प्रमाण गीता अध्याय 7 श्लोक 12 से 15 तक में भी है। (29)