(Shri Bhagwan uvaach)
Loke, asmin, dwividha, nishtha, pura, prokta, mya, anagh,
Gyanyogen, saankhyaanaam, karmyogen, yoginaam ||3||
(Shri God said)
Translation: (Anagh) O innocent! (asmin) this (loke) in world/lok (dwividha) of two types (nishtha) faith (mya) by me (pura) earlier (prokta) have been explained; out of them (saankhyaanaam) the faith of the knowledgeable persons is (gyanyogen) in Gyanyog i.e. in the conclusion of the way of worship drawn by one’s own wisdom and (yoginaam) the faith of the yogis (karmyogen) in Karmyog i.e. in doing sadhna[1] alongside performing worldly tasks. (3)
O innocent! Two types of faiths have been explained earlier by me in this world. Out of them, the faith of the (Gyanis) knowledgeable persons is in Gyanyog i.e. in the conclusion of the way of worship drawn by one’s own wisdom, and the faith of the yogis is in Karmyog i.e. in doing sadhna besides performing the worldly tasks.
(श्री भगवान उवाच)
लोके, अस्मिन्, द्विविधा, निष्ठा, पुरा, प्रोक्ता, मया, अनघ,
ज्ञानयोगेन, साङ्ख्यानाम्, कर्मयोगेन, योगिनाम्।।3।।
अनुवाद: (अनघ) हे निष्पाप! (अस्मिन्) इस (लोके) लोकमें (द्विविधा) दो प्रकारकी (निष्ठा) निष्ठा (मया) मेरे द्वारा (पुरा) पहले (प्रोक्ता) कही गयी है उनमेंसे (साङ्ख्यानाम्) ज्ञानियों की निष्ठा तो (ज्ञानयोगेन) ज्ञानयोग अर्थात् अपनी ही सूझ-बूझ से निकाले भक्ति विधि के निष्कर्ष में और (योगिनाम्) योगियोंकी निष्ठा (कर्मयोगेन) कर्मयोगसे अर्थात् सांसारिक कार्य करते हुए साधना करने में होती है। (3)
[1] Religious act