Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 3 Verse 35

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 3 Verse 35

Shreyan, swadharmH, vigunH, pardharmaat, swanushthitaat,
Swadharme, nidhnam, shreyH, pardharmH, bhyaavahH ||35||

Translation: (VigunH) devoid of merits i.e. abandoning the injunctions of scriptures (swanushthitaat) an arbitrary, very well brought into practice (pardharmaat) others’ way of worship (swadharmH) one’s scripture-based way of worship (shreyan) is much better which is scripture-based (swadharme) in one’s own way of worship (nidhnam) even dying (shreyH) is beneficial and (pardharmH) other’s way of worship (bhyaavahH) is frightening. (35)


One’s scripture-based way of worship is much better than others’ arbitrary way of worship which is very well brought into practice, but is devoid of merits i.e. is done on relinquishing the injunctions of the scriptures. Even dying in one’s own way of worship is beneficial and another’s way of worship is frightening.

श्रेयान्, स्वधर्मः, विगुणः, परधर्मात्, स्वनुष्ठितात्,
स्वधर्मे, निधनम्, श्रेयः, परधर्मः, भयावहः।।35।।

अनुवाद: (विगुणः) गुणरहित अर्थात् शास्त्रा विधि त्याग कर (स्वनुष्ठितात्) स्वयं मनमाना अच्छी प्रकार आचरणमें लाये हुए (परधर्मात्) दूसरोंकी धार्मिक पूजासे (स्वधर्मः) अपनी शास्त्रा विधि अनुसार पूजा (श्रेयान्) अति उत्तम है जो शास्त्रानुकूल है (स्वधर्मे) अपनी पूजा में तो (निधनम्) मरना भी (श्रेयः) कल्याणकारक है और (परधर्मः) दूसरेकी पूजा (भयावहः) भयको देनेवाली है। (35)

यही प्रमाण श्री विष्णु पुराण तृतीश अंश, अध्याय 18 श्लोक 1 से 12 पृृष्ठ 215 से 220 तक है।