Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 3 Verse 4

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 3 Verse 4

Na, karmnaam, anaarambhaat, naishkarmyam, purushH, ashnute,
Na, ch, sannysnaat, ev, siddhim, samdhigachchhati ||4||

Translation: (Na) neither (karmnaam) of actions (anaarambhaat) without commencing (nishkarmyam) the scripture-based way of worship mentioned in the holy scriptures, which when done besides performing worldly actions, makes one attain complete salvation, that state i.e. (PurushH) God (ashnute) is attained. For example, if someone has to harvest an acre of wheat crop, then it will only get cut after having initiated the process of harvesting. Then, the act of harvesting does not remain, (ch) and (ev) therefore (sannysnaat) by mere renunciation of actions by sitting in a special seat in one place, abandoning worldly actions, through hathyog[1] (siddhim) siddhi/supernatural power (na samdhigachchhati) is not attained. (4)

Translation: God i.e. the complete salvation, which is achieved by following the scripture-based way of worship mentioned in the Holy Scriptures along with the performance of worldly tasks, is not attained without commencing the actions. For example, if someone has to harvest an acre of wheat crop, then it will only get cut after having initiated the process of harvesting. Then, the act of harvesting does not remain, and therefore by mere renunciation of actions and sitting in a special seat in one place through hathyog, siddhi/supernatural power is not attained.

न, कर्मणाम्, अनारम्भात्, नैष्कम्र्यम्, पुरुषः, अश्नुते,
न, च, सóयसनात्, एव, सिद्धिम्, समधिगच्छति।।4।।

अनुवाद: (न) न तो (कर्मणाम्) कर्मोंका (अनारम्भात्) आरम्भ किये बिना (नैष्कम्र्यम्) शास्त्रों में वर्णित शास्त्रा अनुकुल साधना जो संसारिक कर्म करते-करते करने से पूर्ण मुक्ति होती है वह गति अर्थात् (पुरूषः) परमात्मा (अश्नुते) प्राप्त होता है जैसे किसी ने एक एकड़ गेहूँ की फसल काटनी है तो वह काटना प्रारम्भ करने से ही कटेगी। फिर काटने वाला कर्म शेष नही रहेगा (च) और (एव) इसलिए (सóयसनात्) कर्मोंके केवल त्यागमात्रासे एक स्थान पर बैठ कर विशेष आसन पर बैठ कर संसारिक कर्म त्यागकर हठ योग से (सिद्धिम्) सिद्धि (न समधिगच्छति) प्राप्त नहीं होती है। (4)

[1] Forcefully