Yatr, kaale, tu, anaavrttim, aavrttim, ch, ev, yoginH,
PryaataH, yaanti, tam, kaalm, vakshyaami, bharatrshabh ||23||
Translation: (Bharatrshabh) O Arjun! (yatr) which (kaale) in time (pryaataaH) those who have departed after giving up their bodies (yoginH) yogis (tu) indeed (anaavrttim) the state in which they do not return (ch) and the time in which those who have departed (aavrttim) the state in which they return (ev) only (yaanti) attain (tam) that secret (kaalm) time i.e. both the paths (vakshyaami) will tell. (23)
O Arjun! The time in which the yogis who have departed after giving up their bodies attain the state in which they do not return, and the time in which those who have departed only attain the state in which they return, I shall tell that secret time i.e. both the paths.
यत्रा, काले, तु, अनावृत्तिम्, आवृत्तिम्, च, एव, योगिनः,
प्रयाताः यान्ति, तम्, कालम्, वक्ष्यामि, भरतर्षभ।।23।।
अनुवाद: (भरतर्षभ) हे अर्जुन! (यत्रा) जिस (काले) कालमें (प्रयाताः) शरीर त्यागकर गये हुए (योगिनः) योगीजन (तु) तो (अनावृत्तिम्) वापस न लौटने वाली गतिको (च) और जिस कालमें गये हुए (आवृत्तिम्) वापस लौटनेवाली गतिको (एव) ही (यान्ति) प्राप्त होते हैं (तम्) उस गुप्त (कालम्) कालको अर्थात् दोनों मार्गोंको (वक्ष्यामि) कहूँगा। (23)
केवल हिन्दी अनुवाद: हे अर्जुन! जिस कालमें शरीर त्यागकर गये हुए योगीजन तो वापस न लौटने वाली गतिको और जिस कालमें गये हुए वापस लौटनेवाली गतिको ही प्राप्त होते हैं उस गुप्त कालको अर्थात् दोनों मार्गोंको कहूँगा। (23)