Easy Explanation of Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9

Easy Explanation of Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9

Main Verses of Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9

Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj has done a translation of Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 that reveals the most secret knowledge which indicates how can creatures attain the imperishable God, Param Akshar Brahm who is the creator of all universes?. He makes it clear that his worship does not emancipate the soul. That true way of worship is told by the knowledgeable saint who is the favorite of complete God, hence, emphasizes that he should be given special respect.

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 1-2

In Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 1, 2, it is said that I shall now tell you the most secret knowledge of all the knowledge, knowing which man gives up evil acts i.e. becomes free from the evil deeds which is the king of all secret knowledge.

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 3-6

Purna Parmatma Alone is the Basis of All the Living Beings

It is said in Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 3 to 6 that if a devotee does not perform sadhana according to the rule mentioned in Gita Chapter 8 Verse 5 to 10 then he remains in the cycle of birth-death. Then has said that all these living beings are based on that Supreme God / Parmatma, but I am separate (in Brahmlok) from them because Kaal lives separately in the twenty-first Brahmand and in Brahmlok also, lives secretly and separately in MahaBrahma, MahaVishnu, and MahaShiv form and in reality here, he keeps all the living beings organized by the Maya of Purna Parmatma. I (Kaal) am not in the living being. Like, the air has been stabilized in the sky; similarly, living beings, based on their deeds, are organized in that Purna Parmatma by His (power) Maya only. He makes all the living beings move like a machine based on Karma. The giver of the knowledge of Gita in Gita Chapter 13 Verse 17 and Chapter 18 Verse 61 has said that Purna Parmatma is seated in a special way; in the heart of all living beings. He only revolves around all the living beings, mounted on the body-like machine according to their deeds.

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 3

Translation of Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 3, ‘O Parantap means Arjun! The Dharma (righteousness) i.e. the law that I have told in Gita Chapter 8 Verse 5 to 10 that if you will do my devotion, you will attain me. You will also have to fight and as it is described in Chapter 2 Verse 12, Chapter 4 to 5, Chapter 10 Verse 2 that my and your birth and death will always remain, you do not know, I know. If you will do devotion to that Param Akshar Brahm, then according to the same Dharma i.e. the law, you will attain the imperishable God. In the Gita Chapter 8 Verses 3, 8-10, it is said to do devotion to that Param Akshar Brahma and in the Gita Chapter 18 Verses 62, 66, and Chapter 15 Verse 4 it is said that you go to the shelter of that God. Only by His grace will you attain the ultimate peace and the eternal supreme abode going where the seeker never returns to this world again. Do devotion to the same God who has created the world-like tree. One who does not remain in this Dharma, ie. disbelieves, means those who do not follow this rule, for them the Param Akshar Brahm is (Aprapya) not attainable. After attaining me they return in the cycle of birth-death in this world that is, they remain in birth and death.

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 4

Note: In this Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 4, the giver of the knowledge of Gita has told himself to be “Avyakt Moorti” with which it is proved that Kaal Brahm is Avyakt means unmanifested, but is in form.  

Translation of Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 4, (Mya) by me and (avyakt moortina) by the invisible Supreme God who has a form (idam’) this (sarvam’ jagat’) whole world (tatam’) expanded, is surrounded i.e. has been created by the Supreme God and in reality, He only is the controller. (Ch) and (matsthaani) under me (sarvbhootaani) all the living beings (teshu) in them (aham’) I (na, avasthitH) am not situated. 

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 5

Translation of Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 5, (me) My (Aishwaram Yogam) spectacle (pashy) see, means understand my Yogmaya (bhootaani n matsthaani) all the living beings are not situated in me (ch) and (mam) my (aatma) soul (ch) and  (bhootbhaavanH) the originator of living beings (bhootasthH) nurturer of beings (na bhootratH’) is not situated in beings. 

Meaning: Kaal Brahm has told that this secret knowledge is the King of all special knowledge. Look at my spectacle, I am not situated in all the living beings within me and God; the creator of all beings and me, the nurturer of all the living beings is not situated in beings means Kaal Brahm is also seated in his Brahmlok in MahaBrahma form also Almighty is seated in His Satlok. His supreme power is running all the creatures and universes.

In Gita Chapter 15 Verse 16-17, three Purush have been told, similarly, these three only are told to be unmanifested. 1) Unmanifested is Kaal Brahm means the giver of the knowledge of Gita. He has told about himself in Gita Chapter 7 Verse 24-25 and Gita Chapter 9 Verse 4. 2) Unmanifested is Akshar Purush described in Gita Chapter 8 Verse 18-19. 3) Unmanifested is Param Akshar Brahm described in Gita Chapter 8 Verse 20-22. The two Purush described in Gita Chapter 15 Verse 16, one is Kshar Purush who is the first unmanifested, and the second is Akshar Purush. Third (Uttam PurusH tu anya) is Param Akshar Brahm. 

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 7

Birth-Death of Brahm (Kaal) – Worshipper is Certain

It is clear in Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 7 that at first, Kaal is saying that my worshipper does not have birth-death. Now in Verse 7, says that Arjun, at the end of kalps (ages/yugas) all living beings attain my Prakritis (i.e. become destroyed). Then at the beginning of kalps, I again create them. It is self-evident from this that no living being is liberated with the worship of Kaal Brahm. It is evident in Bhagavad Gita Chapter 8 Verse 16 that all (Brahma-Shiva-and other loks) the loks up to Brahmlok are destructible and in recurrence, and the previous translators have written that after attaining me, there is no rebirth, and Kaal cannot be attained! (Because it is evident in Bhagavad Gita Chapter 11 Verse 47, 48 , inferior most.′ gatim′ that nobody can attain me by any way of worship.) Therefore, the liberation of all living beings is impossible. Therefore, in Bhagavad Gita Chapter 7 Verse 18 it is called his salvation/liberation as Anuttamam.

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 8

Origin of Living Beings from Prakriti and Brahm (Kaal)

In Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 8, has said that by accepting having sexual intercourse with) my Prakriti, I repeatedly (according to the deeds) create all these living beings who have been overpowered by their nature (by the desires generated by mind). 

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 9

In Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 9, has said that I (Brahm) am not under the control of actions (because actions arise from Brahm: in Bhagavad Gita Chapter 3 Verse 14, 15)

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 10

In Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 10, has said that – ‘Oh Arjun! Prakriti under me (in the form of my wife) gives birth to the world including both the animate and the inanimate. (The meaning of Sooyte in Hindi is to give birth to a child (like, byaana / prsooti / give birth). In this way, this cycle of birth-death goes on.

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 11

Brahm (Kaal) Never Appears in Form in a Material Body

In Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 11, it is said that those foolish people who do not know the real policy of complete God and my ultimate policy (Kaal’s ultimate policy has been described in Chapter 7 Verse 24, Kaal says that my inferior character is; that I never appear in the form. This is my ever-lasting policy that I never appear in form by acquiring a body. My birth-death always remains. The Lord of all, that is, Maheshwar is immortal and never takes birth and dies. He is the creator of everything and nurtures everyone. They consider me as an inferior person who has a body, i.e. I am not the embodied, I am not Sri Krishna. 

Translation: (MoodaH) foolish people (maam) me (manusheem) human (tanum) body (aashritm) who acquires (avjaananti) consider me insignificant because they (Mm) my and (bhoot maheshvaram’) the great Lord of all the living beings i.e. the Supreme God (param’ bhaavam’) prime character (ajaanantH) do not know. 

Meaning:- Due to lack of True spiritual knowledge, that is, Tatvgyan foolish people regard me as the lord of all the living beings. I am not Maheshwar (the Greatest Lord); the Supreme God is Maheshwar. This is mentioned in Gita Chapter 15 Verse 4 and 16, 17; in Gita Chapter 18 Verse 46, 61, 62. 66, Gita Chapter 8 Verse 3,8,9,10,20-21-22, and are considering me as Shri Krishna who has acquired body in incarnation form; I am not Shri Krishna. Its evidence is in Gita Chapter 7 Verse 24-25 and Gita Chapter 8 Verse 20 to 22, both (Brahm and Purna Brahm) have been described as unmanifested and there is a detailed description. The description of the above-mentioned fools is also given in the following Verses that they do not even listen when told, and because of their stubbornness keep regarding me as Sarveshwar (Lord of all) – Maheshwar (the Greatest lord) and Shri Krishna. If some Tatvadarshi Saint guides them that the Supreme God is someone else and Shri Krishna Ji has not narrated Gita Ji and this (Kaal) is not Maheshwar, then these fools do not accept it.

Important:- The translation of Gita Chapter 9 Verse 11 has been done by other translators. In that, they have joined the second-word “mam’ ” of the first line with “bhoot maheshwarm’ ” of the second line, which from the point of view of grammar is unjustified because with “bhoot maheshwarm’ ” the word “mm’ ” is written. The other translators have written the Giver of the knowledge of Gita as the Great Lord of all the living beings. If we consider it like this, then the readers may please understand its meaning as this, that Brahm is saying that I am the Great Lord i.e. Chief of all the living beings in my twenty-one Brahmands. In reality, the above-mentioned translation which has been done by me, Das (Rampal Das), is accurate.

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 12 

Brahm’s (Kaal) Worshippers are his own Food

In Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 12, has said that those with demonic nature, engaged in futile actions (to play cards, to drink alcohol, do useless talks, to smoke a hookah [smoke through water], to eat meat, to reproach, to watch cinema, to steal, to practice adultery, etc) and futile hopes, foolish people, who have futile knowledge remain overpowered by monstrous nature.

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 13

It is mentioned in Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 13 that the devout souls regarding me as the Lord of all living beings (as is stated in Bhagavad Gita Chapter 15 Verse 18 that I am only superior to the living beings who have material body and soul; therefore, I am famous as Purushottam in the world and the Vedas, but, in reality, the Eternal God is someone else: in Bhagavad Gita Chapter 15 Verse 16 to 18) do my bhajan with undeviated mind (abandoning the worship of other gods, and rising above the three Gunas, do scripture-based sadhana by doing Jaap of only one word ‘OM’). It has been explained in Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 14 that such satisfactory devotees (with firm principles) constantly singing the glory of my qualities and Naam, endeavor to attain me and bow down before me. Always absorbed in my thoughts, they worship me with love and devotion. All those worshippers of Kaal become the food of Kaal. It is clear in Bhagavad Gita Chapter 11 Verse 21, those great sages and deities who are worshipping Kaal Bahm, glorifying him, you are even eating them. They are entering your mouth. 

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 15

Other seekers worship me by performing the Gyan Yagya i.e. reciting the verses of the Vedas daily. For example, by prefixing the letter OM in front of the Yajurveda mantra of Chapter 36 after naming it Gayatri Mantra, started reciting this one Veda Mantra hundreds of times daily. In this way, listening to the Veda mantras or the verses of the Gita or the speech of saints and listening to Satsangs is called Gyan Yagya. With this salvation will not be attained. Other seekers worship me in many ways, considering me (VishwatH Mukham) as the form of the head of the world.

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 16

Kaal Brahm, who is the knowledge giver of Gita, is the master of this universe. All souls who are trapped in his web. He became everything for them. It is only by doing karma in his region people get results. That is why, it is said that to take benefits from me, i.e. Kaal Brahm, and to go to Heaven, one has to perform religious activities. That is why it is said that I am in ‘kritu’ i.e. religious actions. I am only in the Yagya, the offering given to the ancestors (swadha), medicinal herbs, the mantra, the Ghee, the Fire, etc., the act of offering the oblation in the fire; everything is I (Kaal) that is, all are mine. To benefit from me you have to do everything.

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 17

In Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 17, it is said that I am the sustainer of the universe, the mother–father–grandfather, the Kaal in Vedas, and the sacred ‘OM’ (Omkar) mantra, I only am the Rigveda, Samveda, and Yajurveda i.e. in the three Vedas, there is only the knowledge and way of worship of Brahm. The fourth is Atharva Veda which gives information on the creation of nature. 

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 18

In Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 18, it has been said that in my twenty-one Brahmands, I only am the Lord, the preserver, the witness, the abode, the refuge, the well-wisher, the originator, and the destroyer; I only am the cause of this eternal law. 

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 19

In Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 19, it has been said that I only am heat and rain, I only withhold and release the rain; I only am immortality and death, sat-asat/true-false. 

The Gist: - God Kaal is saying that in whichever way, a devotee performs scripture-based sadhana, for him, I (Kaal) only am worthy of reverence. But in the end, I will eat everyone; I will not leave anyone. Then based on the deeds, will put them in heaven-hell, the four salvations according to the law enacted by Kaal, and then in 84 lakh births of life forms. For evidence, see Bhagavad Gita Chapter 11 Verse 21 in which Arjun is describing the account seen with his own eyes. When Kaal God exhibited his actual Viraat form, in that Arjun is seeing and saying that God, you are even eating the hosts of gods, some in fear with folded hands are chanting your Naam and qualities. The great sages (Maharishis) and the groups of siddhs by saying ‘Kalyan ho’ (let there be auspiciousness)! – Kalyan ho!’ praise you with special hymns of Vedas; you are eating them too. Then in Bhagavad Gita Chapter 11 Verse 32, Kaal God is saying that I have appeared to eat everyone and I am enlarged Kaal; I will not leave anyone.

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 20-25

The Result of Sadhana According to the Holy Vedas is the Only Attainment of Heaven-Great Heaven, Not Liberation

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 20 - (TraividhyaH) according to the methods mentioned in the three Vedas (sompaH) – Rigveda, Yajurveda, and Samveda who drink the nectar of bhakti of eternal God (pootpapaH) by abandoning all vices, the holy souls saved from sins (maam) me (isht’va) venerable deity means in the form of worshipable deity (yagyaeH) worship through Yagya (swargatim’) to attain heaven, means for liberation (praarthyante) pray-worship. (te) they (punyam’) as a result of virtuous deeds (surendralokam’) the world of heaven of Indra (aasaadhya) having attained (divi) in heaven (divyan’) divine (devbhogaan’) the pleasures of gods (ashnanti) enjoy. They relish the virtues of their devotion. 

Meaning: There is also the glory of the immortal Supreme God in the Vedas, that is, of Param Akshar Brahm with which by his worship, the seekers become sinless and attain immortal happiness i.e. complete liberation. But the mantras and Yagyas of devotion etc. actions are up to Kaal Brahm. Due to this reason, they remain in the web of Kaal by worshiping Brahm in the form of their respected deity (Isht). After enjoying the fruits of Brahm-sadhana and sacrifices in heaven and great heaven, they are born again in the world.

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 21

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 21, (Te) those confused seekers (tam’) the result of spiritual practice in the illusion of that Supreme God (vishaalam’) extensive (swarglokam’) heavenly world, that is, great heaven (bhuktva) having enjoyed (punye) virtuous deeds (ksheene) upon exhaustion of (mrtyalokam’) mortal world (vishanti) are received. (evam’) thus (tryeedharmm’) the act of bhakti mentioned in the three Vedas (anuprpannaH) who adhere to (kaamkamaH) by not having the complete knowledge with the desire of the result of devotion (gataagatam’) repeated birth and death / coming and going (labhante) achieve, that is, based on virtues attain heaven. After the virtues finish, they take birth on earth in the bodies of different creatures.

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 22

In Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 22, it is said that those seekers who do not worship other gods and goddesses and do my spiritual practice under the illusion of the Purna Brahm, I protect (Kshemam) their (Yog) devotion.

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 23

In holy Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 23, it is stated that ‘Oh Arjun! Even the devotees who worship other gods with faith, and other Purna Parmatma, (api) also worship me only, that is, remain in the web of Kaal. But that worship of theirs is contrary (avidhipurvkam) to the rule i.e. is arbitrary, means is against the scriptures.

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 24

In holy Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 24, (Hi) because (sarvyagyanam) all the Yagyas (bhokta) enjoyer (ch) and (prabhuH) Lord of only twenty-one Brahamands also (aham) is me (ch) only (te) they (ev) thus (mam) me (tatven) in essence (na) not (abhijananti) know. (tu) therefore, (chyavanti) fall i.e. suffer in the bodies of 84 lakh types of life forms. 

In holy Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 20-21, it is stated that those who worship me for the fulfillment of their desires (sakaam) according to the scriptures described in the three Vedas, based on their karma, they come to birth and death after rejoicing in heaven, that is, even if the Yagya is scripture-friendly, its only benefit is worldly enjoyment, Heaven because sins are not destroyed by devotion to Kaal Brahm. Therefore, due to sinful deeds, one has to suffer the punishment of karma even in hell and 84 lakhs life species. Unless all the three mantras (OM-Tat-Sat Indicative) are not received from the Complete Saint.

In holy Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 22, it is stated that those exclusive loving devotees, who absorbed in my thought, do scriptural worship of that Supreme God without any desire, I only protect the sadhana of those men.

Those Who Do Not Perform Sadhana According To The Vedas Are Not Completely Liberated

In holy Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 23, 24, it is stated that those who worship other gods-goddesses, are also worshipping me alone (that for remaining in Kaal’s trap). But this pooja of theirs is not in accordance with the injunctions of scriptures (which means, one should not worship gods-goddesses; this is a foolish way of worship). Because I; only am the enjoyer and master of all Yagyas. Those bhakts do not know me properly that he is Kaal and therefore, they face decline in spite of worshipping him with which the sufferings of hell and the 84 lakh births remain. Like, in Bhagavad Gita Chapter 3 Verse 14-15, it has been said that situated in all the Yagyas i.e. honored, to whom all Yagyas are dedicated, that God (Sarv Gatam) is the complete God/ Purna Brahm. He only, making deeds the basis, grants them to all the living beings. But until one finds a Complete Saint, Kaal (in the form of munn/mind) only enjoys the pleasure of all the Yagyas. Therefore, is saying that I am the enjoyer and master of all the Yagyas. 

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 25

Those Who Carry Out Shraadhs (Who Worship the Pitras/Deceased Ancestors) Will Become Pitra; Will Not Attain Liberation

Translation of Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 25, (DevvrtaH) worshippers of gods (devaan) gods (yaanti) go to (pitrvrtaH) worshippers of pitras (pitrn) pitras (yaanti) go to (yaanti) (bhootejyaH) worshippers of ghosts (bhootaani) ghosts (yaanti) go to and (madhyaajinH) likewise, my devotees who worship in accordance with the scriptures, Mataanusaar (api) also (mam) me (yaanti) attain.

Interpretation: The giver of the knowledge of Gita has clarified in this that those who worship me are received to me. First, he said worshippers of gods go to gods, worshippers of pitras go to pitras, worshippers of ghosts go to ghosts; likewise, my devotees, who worship in accordance with the scriptures (mataanusaar), also attain me. The secret behind saying this is; if Brahm Kaal is worshipped exclusively then he is attained. Those who worship Brahm Kaal as the respectable deity and also worship other divinities, attain the life form of ghosts-pitras. The worshippers of Kaal Brahm who perform scriptures-based devotion; relish comfort in Brahmlok for some time but later attain life forms of other creatures. 

In Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 25, it is said that the worshippers of gods, go to gods; worshippers of Pitras (deceased ancestors) go to Pitras; worshippers of ghosts/evil spirits (the offering of Pind) go to the evil spirits i.e. become ghosts; those who follow scripture-based (according to holy Vedas and Gita) way of worship, they come to me i.e. they enjoy for some time in heaven and great heaven, etc. constructed by Kaal.

Special: For example, if someone does the job (Seva-puja) of Tehsildar then he cannot become a Tehsildar. Yes, with the money received from him, the livelihood will run, that is, he will remain under him. In the same way, the one who worships the God (Shri Brahma Dev, Shri Vishnu Dev, and Shri Shiv Dev i.e. Tridev) gets the benefit only from them. The prohibition of the worship of Trigunmayi Maya i.e. the three Gunas (Rajgun Brahma Ji, Satgun Vishnu Ji, Tamgun Shiva Ji) and other deities is also in the Holy Gita Chapter 7 Verse 12 to 15 and 20 to 23. Similarly, if someone worships the ancestors (serves), then by becoming a small Pittar (ancestor) with the ancestors, he will suffer with them. Similarly, if someone worships (serves) the ghosts, then he will become a ghost because the whole life in which infirmity is created, in the end, the mind remains trapped in them. Because of which he goes to them. Some say that they will continue to worship Pitar-Bhoot-Dev, and will continue to do spiritual practice by taking initiation from you. That won't do. Doing the sadhana which is forbidden in the holy Gita and the holy four Vedas is against scriptures. Which is forbidden in the Holy Gita Chapter 16 Verse 23-24, those who renounce scriptural methods and perform arbitrary worship they neither attain happiness, nor the ultimate salvation, nor the accomplishments that complete the task, means, life is wasted. Therefore, Arjuna, the duty for you (those who are capable of doing sadhana) and no duty (those who are not capable of doing sadhana) scripture is the only proof. Other practices are prohibited

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 26-28

The meaning of Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 26, 27, and 28 is that whatever spiritual or worldly tasks one performs, one should perform it according to the way of worship mentioned in the Vedas based on my opinion, that worshipper would be benefited by me (Kaal) only. Its description is also given in this very Bhagavad Gita Chapter’s Verse 20, 21. 

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 29

In Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 29, God says that ‘I do not love or hate anyone. But immediately says that those who do my devotion lovingly, they are dear to me and I am dear to them i.e. I am in them and they are in me. The clear evidence of love and hatred is — like, Prahlad surrendered to God and Hiranyakashipu used to hate God. Then acquiring the Narsingh form, God saved his dear devotee and ended Hirnakshipu’s life by splitting open his stomach. Love towards Prahlad and hatred towards Hiranyakashipu are self-evident. Such knowledge is the opinion of Kaal which is said to only confuse. 

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 30-31

Even a Wicked Person Who Does Bhakti is Equivalent to a Mahatma

In Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 30, 31, it has been said that no matter how wicked (a prostitute or one who goes to a prostitute) a person (woman-man) maybe, if he loves God from the heart then he also is worthy of being regarded a Mahatma, but should not be a rapist. Kabir Saheb says, Garibdas Ji Maharaj has said that: -

Garib, kushti hove sant, bandage keejiye |
vaishya ke vishwas, charan chitt deejiye ||

Kabir Sahib states: -

Kabir, aag paraai aapni, haath diye jal jaaye |
naari paraai aapni, parse sarvas jaaye ||

Meaning: If a leprosy patient is doing devotion after taking initiation from Guru Ji, then do not hate him, bow down to him, and give him the respect of the devotees. If any prostitute also does spiritual practice after taking initiation from Guru Ji, then bow down to her with respect. By doing this her morale will increase and she will hesitate from doing evil and will improve.

God Kabir has said that if you consider a corrupt (sluttish) woman and a miscreant to be inferior because they maintain intimate relationships with a foreign woman and another man. You maintain the relationship with your married wife and consider yourself superior, then give a thought that if everyone gets corrupted by meeting a woman, then you also meet a man or a woman. Like the fire may be yours or someone else's, if you give your hand, you will get burnt. Our fire does not defend. Thinking like this, look at your actions. Then tell others.

Adultery means misconduct is that in which men and women meet voluntarily, which is against the dignity of every civilized society. It's not rape, it is called adultery. It's a blot on human society.

Once, a woman was being beaten in a village. At that time, a Mahatma arrived there. When he asked the fault of that woman, he was told that she is a corrupt (sluttish) woman. Mahatma Ji said, “Let me tell you how to punish her.” Everybody asked, “Please tell us.” Mahatma Ji said, “Everyone should hold a stone in his hand and should hit her in turn. But only he should hit her who has never committed this sin and will never commit it in the future. If this is the case, then may hit her; otherwise, one will suffer.” In front of his eyes, stones dropped from everyone’s hands and everybody returned to their homes.

Kabir, bura jo dekhan main chala, bura na mila koye |
Jab dil khoja aapna, mujhse bura na koye ||

Meaning: God Kabir has said that because you see fault in others due to their actions, you are also doing those same actions yourself. If you will see the mischief of your mind, then you will not see anyone worse than you.

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 31

It has been stated in Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 31, ′that such a person after listening to a Satsang soon improves and then by properly doing bhakti strives to attain liberation. But due to lack of true spiritual knowledge he remains dependant on my sadhana; due to which, he attains peace for a very long time, for one ‘Kalp’. Therefore, that devotee’s bhakti is destroyed because complete liberation is only attained by the bhakti of the Supreme God. To him, God, who is the narrator of Gita, is saying that ‘I do not know the Absolute knowledge (Tattavgyan) of that Supreme God, for that search for the Tatvadarshi saints mentioned in Bhagavad Gita Chapter 4 Verse 34. It is mentioned in Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 34 that with a resolute mind, salute me in reverence (respect me), bow down to me by becoming a Mat-Bhakt (i.e. a scripture-based sadhak), who performs bhakti according to the injunctions of the scriptures (is known as Mad). In this way, a sadhak, who is dependent on the scripture-based sadhana (Mat parayan) from the inner-soul/within, attains me alone. The purport is that he will not become a ghost-pitra, but will also not become completely liberated.

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 32-34

It has been stated in Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 32, 33, and 34 that even a sinful woman, maybe a prostitute and a person of a low caste (Shudra), who does my bhakti, attains my unsuccessful / fruitless ultimate state. Then devout souls, what to say about the Brahmins – Royal sages? For complete salvation, do bhajan of the complete God. My Kaal Lok is perishable and full of miseries. If you want to live in it, then do my bhajan and he who will do my bhakti with a mind engrossed in me (with undivided attention and abandoning the bhakti of gods-goddesses and the faith in the three Gunas – Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva) will obtain benefit from me i.e. a bhakt who performs sadhana according to the scriptures (according to the way of bhakti mentioned in Vedas), after finishing his virtuous deeds in heaven, will bear hardships in birth-death and lower births (of a male and female dog, donkey, etc). This reward for doing the sadhana of God Kaal (Brahm) according to the Vedas is given by God Jyoti Niranjan. Its full evidence is given in this Bhagavad Gita Chapter’s Verse 20, 21. Because God (Kaal), the narrator of Gita, is saying that my pooja is Jaap of ‘OM’ Naam (Bhagavad Gita Chapter 8 Verse 13). There is the instruction to do Jaap of ‘OM-Tat-Sat’ of that Purna Brahm. Only a Tattavdarshi Sant will tell about the bhakti of that Supreme God, by which one will attain complete salvation (Bhagavad Gita Chapter 4 Verse 34).

Even the sadhana of the invisible God Brahm (Kaal) should be done Matanusar (mat-parayan) i.e. according to the way of worship which Brahm God (the invisible power) has described for himself, which is, abandoning Aan-Upasna {pooja of gods-goddesses and among them the pooja of the three gods (Rajgun-Brahma, Satgun-Vishnu, and Tamgun-Shiv)}, by being dependent on only one God (Brahm) with uncorrupted bhakti, he who does Brahm pooja, only he obtains the reward preset by Kaal God. Heaven-hell, birth-death, sufferings of the births of 84 lakh life-forms – this is a permanent policy of Kaal (Brahm God) which Kaal God calls his Mat (this is my mat) in Holy Scriptures (Vedas, Gita Ji, etc). Even after attaining the salvation of Kaal Brahm, a living being is not happy because God (Brahm) himself is stating that my salvation (gatim) is very bad (anuttam). Because a devout soul loses his life in doing Brahm (Kaal) Sadhana with his body, mind, wealth, and with a generous mind thinking that I will become happy (completely liberated), but this does not happen. Therefore, Brahm (Kaal) God is also himself saying in Bhagavad Gita Chapter 7 Verse 18 that although those bhakts are noble souls, however, despite so much hard work, they only attain my bad/inferior salvation i.e. is not completely liberated; is not completely happy. Therefore, God then says that Arjun, you are very dear to me. Therefore, it is said in Bhagavad Gita Chapter 18 Verse 62, Bhagavad Gita Chapter 15 Verse 4, etc. that I will impart the correct knowledge to you. You may do sadhana of that Supreme God. For that search for a Tatvadarshi Sant; then whatever way of worship he tells you, do sadhana according to that (Bhagavad Gita Chapter 4 Verse 34). Then your birth-death and the sufferings of 84 lakh births will be completely eliminated, that is, you will attain complete salvation.

Special: The knowledge giver of Gita in Chapter 9 Verse 34 and Chapter 18 Verse 65 has said that to me (Maam Namaskuru) salute (Madbhakt=Matt BhaktH) become my devotee (Madhya Ji=Mat yaji) become my worshipper. (MatyparayanH=Matt ParayanaH) means be dependent on me, be devoted to me. Thus, you will attain me. It has been said in Gita in Chapter 4 Verse 32 and 34 that the complete God tells the way to attain complete salvation in detail through the nectar speech uttered from His lotus mouth. All sins destroy with that. Understand that knowledge from an enlightened saint. By prostrating (praanipatein) him and leaving cunningness, by questioning him (tattavdarshinH) the knower of true spiritual knowledge, that great saint will preach to you that tatvagyan. 

Ponder: The giver of the knowledge of Gita has told only to salute himself, but to prostrate to the knowledgeable saint who will preach Tattavgyan with which salvation will be attained. With this, it is self-evident that being the favorite of Tatvadarshi complete God, he is even more respectable than Kaal Brahm. 

Conclusion: In Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 the most secret knowledge has been told knowing which man abandons all evils. It is stated that all living beings are based on that Supreme God but the giver of the knowledge of Gita; Brahm Kaal is separate. He says to attain that imperishable God it is mandatory to do worship of Param Akshar Brahm. With his (Kaal) worship no living being is liberated, all worshippers remain in birth-death. He also confirms that all living beings in his twenty-one universes originate from his union with Prakriti. He remains unmanifested and never appears in form in a material body. The fact has also been revealed that all the worshippers of Kaal are his food, he eats subtle human bodies of every creature. Brahm Kaal says that the result of the practice done as per holy Vedas by seekers helps them attain Heaven and great Heaven at the most, but liberation is impossible and based on their Karma creatures come to birth-death after rejoicing in Heaven. This chapter makes it clear that carrying out Shraadhs, means worshipping deceased ancestors/Pitras is a useless practice and does not relieve creatures from the cycle of 84 lakh life species, thus, no liberation for such seekers. The greatness of true worship has been described that even a wicked person who does true worship is equal to a great saint. One should not point fingers at others rather do self-introspection and judge; how true are they themselves?. Brahm Kaal emphasizes on giving special respect to the knowledgeable saint who is the favorite of complete God. The above explanation of all Verses of Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 has been done by great Tatvadarshi Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj.