Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 20

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9 Verse 20

TraividhyaH, mam’, sompaH, pootpapaH, yagyaeH, isht’va, swargatim’, praarthyante,
Te, punyam’, aasaadhya, surendralokam’, ashnanti, divyan’, divi, devbhogaan’ ||20||

Translation: (TraividhyaH) according to the methods mentioned in the three Vedas (sompaH) who drink the nectar of bhakti (pootpapaH) the holy souls (mam’) me (yagyaeH) through yagyas (isht’va) by worshipping as the deity (swargatim’) to attain heaven (praarthyante) wish for (te) they (punyam’) as a result of virtuous deeds (surendralokam’) the world of heaven of Indra (aasaadhya) having attained (divi) in heaven (divyan’) divine (devbhogaan’) the pleasures of gods (ashnanti) enjoy. (20)


The pious souls who drink the nectar of bhakti according to the methods mentioned in the three Vedas, worshipping me as the deity through yagyas wish to attain heaven. Having attained the heaven of Indra as a result of the virtuous deeds, they enjoy the divine pleasures of gods in heaven.

त्रौविद्याः, माम्, सोमपाः, पूतपापाः, यज्ञैः, इष्ट्वा, स्वर्गतिम्, प्रार्थयन्ते,
ते, पुण्यम्, आसाद्य, सुरेन्द्रलोकम्, अश्नन्ति, दिव्यान्, दिवि, देवभोगान्।।20।।

अनुवाद: (त्रौविद्याः) तीनों वेदोंमें वर्णित विधि के अनुसार (सोमपाः) भक्ति रूपी अमृत पीने वाले (पूतपापाः) पुण्य आत्मा (माम्) मुझको (यज्ञैः) यज्ञोंके द्वारा (इष्ट्वा) इष्ट देव रूपमें पूजकर (स्वर्गतिम्) स्वर्ग की प्राप्ती (प्रार्थयन्ते) चाहते हैं (ते) वे (पुण्यम्) पुण्योंके फलरूप (सुरेन्द्रलोकम्) इन्द्र के स्वर्गलोक को (आसाद्य) प्राप्त होकर (दिवि)स्वर्ग में (दिव्यान्)दिव्य (देवभोगान्) देवताओंके भोगोंको (अश्नन्ति) भोगते हैं। (20)