Sarvbhootani, kauntey, prakrtim’, yaanti, maamikaam’,
Kalpakshye, punH, taani, kalpaadau, visrjaami, aham’ ||7||
Translation: (Kauntey) O Arjun! (kalpakshye) at the end of kalps [ages/yugas] (sarvbhootani) all the living beings (maamikaam’) my (prakrtim’) Prakriti (yanti) go to i.e. merge into Prakriti and (kalpaadau) at the beginning of kalps (taani) them (aham’) I (punH) again (visrjaami) create. (7)
O Arjun! At the end of kalps (ages/yugas), all the living beings go into my Prakriti i.e. merge into Prakriti and at the beginning of kalps, I create them again.
सर्वभूतानि, कौन्तेय, प्रकृतिम्, यान्ति, मामिकाम्।
कल्पक्षये, पुनः, तानि, कल्पादौ, विसृृजामि, अहम्।।7।।
अनुवाद: (कौन्तेय) हे अर्जुन! (कल्पक्षये) कल्पोंके अन्तमें (सर्वभूतानि) सब प्राणी (मामिकाम्) मेरी (प्रकृतिम्) प्रकृृतिको (यान्ति) प्राप्त होते हैं अर्थात् प्रकृतिमें लीन होते हैं ओर (कल्पादौ) कल्पोंके आदिमें (तानि) उनको (अहम्) मैं (पुनः) फिर (विसृृजामि) रचता हँू। (7)