Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 15 Verse 4

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 15 Verse 4

TatH, padam, tat, parimaargitvyam, yasmin, gataaH, na, nivartanti, bhooyH,
Tam, ev, ch, aadhyam, purusham, prpadhye, yatH, prvrittiH, prsrita, puraani ||4||

Translation:  {When one finds the Tatvdarshi saint mentioned in Gita Adhyay 4 Shlok 34, Adhyay 15 Shlok 1} (tatH) after that (tat) of that Supreme God (padam) Supreme place i.e. Satlok (parimaargitvyam) should properly search (yasmin) where (gataaH) having gone, devotees (bhooyaH) again (na, nivartanti) do not return to the world (ch) and (yatH) Pamatma – Param Akshar Brahm, from whom (puraani) ancient (prvrittiH) creation–nature (prsrita) has originated (tam) that (aadhyam) eternal (Purusham) of Purna Parmatma (ev) only (prpadhyate) I am in the refuge. One should only do bhajan of that Supreme God with full determination. (4)


{When one finds the Tatvdarshi saint mentioned in Gita Adhyay 4 Shlok 34, Adhyay 15 Shlok 1} after that one should properly search for the supreme place i.e. Satlok of that Supreme God. Having gone where, devotees do not return to the world, and the Param Akshar Brahm, from whom the ancient creation–nature has originated. I also am in the refuge of that Eternal Purna Parmatma. One should only do bhajan of that Supreme God with full determination.

ततः, पदम्, तत्, परिमार्गितव्यम्, यस्मिन्, गताः, न, निवर्तन्ति, भूयः,
तम्, एव्, च, आद्यम्, पुरुषम्, प्रपद्ये, यतः, प्रवृत्तिः, प्रसृता, पुराणी।।4।।

अनुवाद: {जब गीता अध्याय 4 श्लोक 34 अध्याय 15 श्लोक 1 में वर्णित तत्वदर्शी संत मिल जाए} (ततः) इसके पश्चात् (तत्) उस परमेश्वर के (पदम्) परम पद अर्थात् सतलोक को (परिमार्गितव्यम्) भलीभाँति खोजना चाहिए (यस्मिन्) जिसमें (गताः) गये हुए साधक (भूयः) फिर (न, निवर्तन्ति) लौटकर संसारमें नहीं आते (च) और (यतः) जिस परम अक्षर ब्रह्म से (पुराणी) आदि (प्रवृत्तिः) रचना-सृष्टि (प्रसृता) उत्पन्न हुई है (तम्) उस (आद्यम्) सनातन (पुरुषम्) पूर्ण परमात्मा की (एव) ही (प्रपद्ये) मैं शरण में हूँ। पूर्ण निश्चय के साथ उसी परमात्मा का भजन करना चाहिए। (4)

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 15 Verse 4 | Video