Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 11 Verse 22

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 11 Verse 22

RudraadityaH, vasavH, ye, ch, saadhyaH, vishwe, ashvinau, marutH, ch, ooshmpaH,
Ch, gandharvyakshaasursiddhsanghaH, veekshante, tvaam, vismitaH, ch, ev, sarve ||22||

Translation: (Ye) who (rudraadityaH) the eleven Rudras and the twelve Adityas (ch) and (vasavH) the eight Vasus (saadhyaH) the worshippers (vishwe) the VishweDev (ashvinau) the Ashvini Kumars (ch) and (marutH) the Maruts (ch) and (ooshmpaH) the hosts of Pitras (ch) and (gandharvyakshaasursiddhsanghaH) Gandharv, Yakshas, demons and hosts of siddhs (sarve) all (ev) only (vismitaH) in amazement (tvaam) you (veekshante) look. (22)


The eleven Rudras and the twelve Adityas and the eight Vasus, the worshippers, the VishweDev, Ashvini Kumars and the Maruts and hosts of Pitras and Gandharvs, Yakshas, the Demons and hosts of siddhs, they all look at you in amazement.

रुद्रादित्याः, वसवः, ये, च, साध्याः, विश्वे, अश्विनौ, मरुतः, च, ऊष्मपाः,
च, गन्धर्वयक्षासुरसिद्धसंघाः, वीक्षन्ते, त्वाम्, विस्मिताः, च, एव, सर्वे।।22।।

अनुवाद: (ये) जो (रुद्रादित्याः) ग्यारह रुद्र और बारह आदित्य (च) और (वसवः) आठ वसु, (साध्याः) साधकगण, (विश्वे) विश्वेदेव, (अश्विनौ) अश्विनीकुमार (च) तथा (मरुतः) मरुदग्ण (च) और (ऊष्मपाः) पितरोंका समुदाय (च) तथा (गन्धर्वयक्षासुरसिद्धसंघा) गन्धर्व, यक्ष, राक्षस और सिद्धोंके समुदाय हैं वे (सर्वे) सब (एव) ही (विस्मिताः) विस्मित होकर (त्वाम्) आपको (वीक्षन्ते) देखते हैं। (22)