Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 11 Verse 32

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 11 Verse 32

(Bhagwan uvaach)

KaalH, asmi, lokakshaykrt, prvrddhH, lokaan, smaahrtum, ih, prvrttH,
Rite, api, tvaam, na, bhavishyanti, sarve, ye, avasthitaH, prtyaneekeshu, yodhaH ||32||

(God said)

Translation: (Lokakshaykrt) destroyer of the worlds (prvrddhH) enlarged (kaalH) Kaal (asmi) am (ih) this time (lokaan) these worlds (smaahrtum) to destroy (prvrttH) I have appeared, therefore (ye) those who (prtyneekeshu) in the opposite army (avasthitaH) situated (yodhaH) warriors (te) they (sarve) all (tvaam) your (rite) without (api) even (na) not (bhavishyanti) will survive i.e. even if you do not fight, they all will be destroyed. (32)


I am the enlarged Kaal, the destroyer of the worlds. This time I have appeared to destroy these worlds; therefore, all the warriors who are situated in the opposite army will not survive even without you i.e. even if you do not fight, they all will be destroyed.

कालः, अस्मि, लोकक्षयकृृत्, प्रवृृद्धः, लोकान्, समाहर्तुम्, इह, प्रवृृत्तः,
ऋते, अपि, त्वाम्, न, भविष्यन्ति, सर्वे, ये, अवस्थिताः, प्रत्यनीकेषु, योधाः।।32।।

अनुवाद: (लोकक्षयकृत्) लोकांेका नाश करनेवाला (प्रवृद्धः) बढ़ा हुआ (कालः) काल (अस्मि) हूँ। (इह) इस समय (लोकान्) इन लोकोंको (समाहर्तुम्) नष्ट करने के लिये (प्रवृत्तः) प्रकट हुआ हूँ इसलिये (ये) जो (प्रत्यनीकेषु) प्रतिपक्षियोंकी सेनामें (अवस्थिताः) स्थित (योधाः) योद्धा लोग हैं, (ते) वे (सर्वे) सब (त्वाम्) तेरे (ऋते) बिना (अपि) भी (न) नहीं (भविष्यन्ति) रहेंगे अर्थात् तेरे युद्ध न करनेसे भी इन सबका नाश हो जायेगा। (32)