(Arjun uvaach)
Sthaane, hrshikesh, tav, prkeetrya, jagat, prhrshyati, anurajyate, ch,
Rakshaansi, bheetaani, dishH, drvanti, sarve, namasyanti, ch, siddhsanghaH ||36||
(Arjun said)
Translation: (Hrshikesh) O Omniscient! (sthaane) it is indeed right that (tav) your (prkeertya) by glorification of your name, qualities and power (jagat) universe (prhrshyati) is rejoicing (ch) and (anurajyate) is also getting filled with love and (bheetaani) terrified (rkshaansi) demons (dishH) in all directions (drvanti) are running (ch) and (sarve) all (siddhsangaH) hosts of siddhs (namasyanti) are offering salutation. (36)
O Omniscient! It is indeed right that the universe is rejoicing by the glorification of your name, qualities and power, and is also getting filled with love and the terrified demons are running in all directions and the hosts all the siddhs are offering salutations.
(अर्जुन उवाच)
स्थाने, हृषीकेश, तव, प्रकीत्र्या, जगत्, प्रहृष्यति, अनुरज्यते, च,
रक्षांसि, भीतानि, दिशः, द्रवन्ति, सर्वे, नमस्यन्ति, च, सिद्धसंघाः।।36।।
अनुवाद: (हृषीकेश) हे अन्तर्यामिन्! (स्थाने) यह योग्य ही है कि (तव) आपके (प्रकीत्र्या) नाम-गुण और प्रभावके कीर्तनसे (जगत्) जगत् (प्रहृष्यति) अति हर्षित हो रहा है (च) और (अनुरज्यते) अनुरागको भी प्राप्त हो रहा है तथा (भीतानि) भयभीत (रक्षांसि) राक्षसलोग (दिशः) दिशाओंमें (द्रवन्ति) भाग रहे हैं (च) और (सर्वे) सब (सिद्धसंघा) सिद्धगणोंके समुदाय (नमस्यन्ति) नमस्कार कर रहे हैं। (36)