Chapter 11 Verse 40

Chapter 11 Verse 40

NamH, purastaat, ath, prshthatH, te, namH, astu, te, sarvatH, ev, sarv,
Anantveerya, amitvikramH, tvam, sarvam, smaapnoshi, tatH, asi, sarvH ||40||

Translation: (Anantveerya) Oh one with unlimited power! (te) to you (purastaat) from front (ath) and (prshthatH) also from behind (namH) salutations (sarv) Oh universal soul! (te) to you (sarvatH) from all sides (ev) only (namH) salutation (astu) be because (amitvikramH) one with unlimited valour (tvam) you (sarvam) the entire universe (smaapnoshi) are pervading (tatH) therefore, you only (sarvH) all forms (asi) are. (40)


Oh one with unlimited power! Salutations to you from front and also from behind. Oh universal soul! Salutations to you from all sides because Oh one with unlimited valour, you are pervading the entire universe. Therefore you are all.

नमः, पुरस्तात्, अथ, पृष्ठतः, ते, नमः, अस्तु, ते, सर्वतः, एव, सर्व,
अनन्तवीर्य, अमितविक्रमः, त्वम्, सर्वम्, समाप्नोषि, ततः, असि, सर्वः।।40।।

अनुवाद: (अनन्तवीर्य) हे अनन्त सामथ्र्यवाले! (ते) आपके लिये (पुरस्तात्) आगेसे (अथ) और (पृष्ठतः) पीछेसे भी (नमः) नमस्कार (सर्व) हे सर्वात्मन्! (ते) आपके लिये (सर्वतः) सब ओरस (एव) ही (नमः) नमस्कार (अस्तु) हो क्योंकि (अमितविक्रमः) अनन्त पराक्रमशाली (त्वम्) आप (सर्वम्) सब संसारको (समाप्नोषि) व्याप्त किये हुए हैं (ततः) इससे आप ही (सर्वः) सर्वरूप (असि) हैं। (40)