Pashya, aadityaan, vasoon, rudraan, ashvinau, marutH, tatha,
Bahooni, adrshtpoorvaani, pashya, aashcharyaani, bharat ||6||
Translation: (Bharat) O Bharatvanshi Arjun! in me (aadityaan) the Adityas i.e. the twelve sons of Aditi (vasoon) the eight Vasus (rudraan) the eleven Rudras (ashvinau) the two Ashvini Kumars and (marutH) the forty-nine Marudrnas (pashya) behold (tatha) and also other (bahooni) many (adrshtpoorvaani) never seen before (aashcharyaani) wonderous forms (pashya) behold. (6)
O Bharatvanshi Arjun! Behold the Adityas i.e. the twelve sons of Aditi, the eight Vasus, the eleven Rudras, the two Ashvini Kumars and the forty-nine Marudrnas in me and also behold many other wonderous forms that have never been seen before.
पश्य, आदित्यान्, वसून्, रुद्रान्, अश्विनौ, मरुतः, तथा,
बहूनि, अदृष्टपूर्वाणि, पश्य, आश्चर्याणि, भारत।।6।।
अनुवाद: (भारत) हे भरतवंशी अर्जुन! मुझमें (आदित्यान्) आदित्योंको अर्थात् अदितिके द्वादश पुत्रोंको (वसून्) आठ वसुओंको (रुद्रान्) एकादश रुद्रोंको (अश्विनौ) दोनों अश्विनीकुमारोंको और (मरुतः) उनचास मरुद्रणोंको (पश्य) देख (तथा) तथा और भी (बहूनि) बहुत से (अदृष्टपूर्वाणि) पहले न देखे हुए (आश्चर्याणि) आश्चर्यमय रूपोंको (पश्य) देख। (6)