Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 14 Verse 16

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 14 Verse 16

KarmanH, sukritasya, aahuH, saatvikam’, nirmalam’, falam’,
RajasH, tu, falam’, duHkham’, agyaanm’, tamasH, falam’ ||16||

Translation: (Sukritasya) superior (karmanH) of actions (saatvikam’) Satvik i.e. happiness, knowledge and detachment etc (nirmalam’) pure (falam’) fruit (aahuH) is said to be (tu) but (rajasH) of Rajas action (falam’) fruit (duHkham’) misery and (tamasH) of Tamas action (falam’) fruit (agyaanm’) is said to be ignorance. (16)


The fruit of superior action is said to be pure, Satvik i.e. happiness, knowledge and detachment etc, but the fruit of Rajas action is said to be misery, and the fruit of Tamas action is said to be ignorance.

कर्मणः, सुकृतस्य, आहुः, सात्त्विकम्, निर्मलम्, फलम्,
रजसः, तु, फलम्, दुःखम्, अज्ञानम्, तमसः, फलम्।।16।।

अनुवाद: (सुकृतस्य) श्रेष्ठ (कर्मणः) कर्मका तो (सात्त्विकम्) सात्विक अर्थात् सुख, ज्ञान और वैराग्यादि (निर्मलम्) निर्मल (फलम्) फल (आहुः) कहा है (तु) किन्तु (रजसः) राजस कर्मका (फलम्) फल (दुःखम्) दुःख एवम् (तमसः) तामस कर्मका (फलम्) फल (अज्ञानम्) अज्ञान कहा है। (16)