Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 14 Verse 18

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 14 Verse 18

Oordhvam’, gachchhanti, satvasthaH, madhye, tishthanti, rajsaH,
JaghanyagunvrittisthaH, adhH, gachchhanti, taamsaH ||18||

Translation: (SatvasthaH) the men situated in Satvgun i.e. worshippers of Vishnu (oordhvam’) Heaven-like higher loks (gachchhanti) go to; situated in Rajogun (RajsaH) the Rajas men i.e. the worshippers of Brahma (madhye) in the middle i.e. the world of men (tishthanti) remain and (JaghanyagunvrittisthaH) situated in sleep, wrongdoing and laziness implemented by Tamogun  (taamsaH) the Tamas men i.e. worshippers of Shiv (adhH) decline i.e. the lower births of insects, animals etc and hell (gachchhanti) go to. (18)


The men situated in Satvgun i.e. the worshippers of Vishnu go to Heaven-like higher loks. The Rajas men situated in Rajogun i.e. the worshippers of Brahma remain in the middle i.e. in the world of men, and the Tamas men i.e. the worshippers of Shiv situated in sleep, wrongdoing and laziness etc implemented by Tamogun, descend to lower births of insects, animals etc and go to hell. Example – Ravan, Bhasmasur etc.

ऊध्र्वम्, गच्छन्ति, सत्त्वस्थाः, मध्ये, तिष्ठन्ति, राजसाः,
जघन्यगुणवृृत्तिस्थाः, अधः, गच्छन्ति, तामसाः।।18।।

अनुवाद: (सत्त्वस्थाः) सत्वगुणमें स्थित पुरुष अर्थात् विष्णु उपासक (ऊध्र्वम्) ऊपर वाले स्वर्गादि लोकोंको (गच्छन्ति) जाते हैं रजोगुणमें स्थित (राजसाः) राजस पुरुष अर्थात् ब्रह्मा उपासक (मध्ये) मध्य वाले पृथ्वी लोक में अर्थात् मनुष्यलोकमें ही (तिष्ठन्ति) रहते हैं और (जघन्यगुणवृत्तिस्थाः) तमोगुणके कार्यरूप निद्रा, प्रमाद और आलस्यादिमें स्थित (तामसाः) तामस पुरुष अर्थात् शिव उपासक (अधः) नीचे वाले पताल अर्थात् नरकों तथा अधोगति अर्थात् कीट, पशु आदि नीच योनियों को (गच्छन्ति) प्राप्त होते हैं। उदाहरण - रावण, भष्मासुर आदि। (18)