Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 14 Verse 21

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 14 Verse 21

(Arjun uvaach)

KaeH, lingaeH, treen’, gunaan’, etaan’, ateetH, bhavti, prabho,
KimaachaarH, katham’, ch, etaan’, treen’, gunaan’, ativartte ||21||

(Arjun said)

Translation: (Etaan’) these (treen’) three (gunaan’) gunas (ateetH) devotee who transcends (kaeH) what (lingaeH) characteristics (ch) and (kimaachaarH) what conduct (bhavti) is and (prabho) Oh Lord! (katham’) how (etaan’) these (treen’) three (gunaan’) gunas (ativartte) transcends i.e. rises above (21)


What are the characteristics of a devotee who transcends these three gunas? And what is his conduct? And oh Lord! How does he transcend i.e. rises above these three gunas?

(अर्जुन उवाच)

कैः, लिंगैः, त्राीन्, गुणान्, एतान्, अतीतः, भवति, प्रभो,
किमाचारः, कथम्, च, एतान्, त्राीन्, गुणान्, अतिवर्तते।।21।।

अनुवाद: (एतान्) इन (त्राीन्) तीनों (गुणान्) गुणोंसे (अतीतः) अतीत भक्त (कैः) किन-किन (लिंगैः) लक्षणोंसे युक्त होता है (च) और (किमाचारः) किस प्रकारके आचरणोंवाला (भवति) होता है तथा (प्रभो) हे प्रभो! मनुष्य (कथम्) कैसे (एतान्) इन (त्राीन्) तीनों (गुणान्) गुणोंसे (अतिवर्तते) अतीत होता है अर्थात् ऊपर उठ जाता है। (21)