Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 15 Verse 12

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 15 Verse 12

Yat, aadityagatam, tejH, jagat, bhaasyate, akhilam,
Yat, chandrmasi, yat, ch, agnau, tat, tejH, viddhi, maamkam ||12||

Translation: (Aadityagatam) situated in the sun (yat) which (tejH) brilliance (akhilam) entire (jagat) universe (bhaasyate) illuminates (ch) and (yat) the brilliance, which (chandrmasi) is in the moon, and (yat) which (agnau) is in the fire (tat) that (maamkam) mine (tejH) brilliance (viddhi) know. (12)


The brilliance situated in the sun which illuminates the entire universe, and the brilliance which is in the moon, and which is in the fire, know that brilliance as mine only.

यत्, आदित्यगतम्, तेजः, जगत्, भासयते, अखिलम्,
यत्, चन्द्रमसि, यत्, च, अग्नौ, तत्, तेजः, विद्धि, मामकम्।।12।।

अनुवाद: (आदित्यगतम्) सूर्यमें स्थित (यत्) जो (तेजः) तेज (अखिलम्) सम्पूर्ण (जगत्) जगत्को (भासयते) प्रकाशित करता है (च) तथा (यत्) जो तेज (चन्द्रमसि) चन्द्रमामें है और (यत्) जो (अग्नौ) अग्निमें है (तत्) उसको तू (मामकम्) मेरा ही (तेजः) तेज (विद्धि) जान। (12)