Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 15 Verse 14

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 15 Verse 14

Aham, vaishvaanarH, bhootva, praaninaam, deham, aashritH,
PraanaapaansmaayuktH, pachaami, annm, chaturvidham ||14||

Translation: (Aham) I only (praaninaam) the living beings under me (deham) in the bodies (aashritH) dwelling (praanaapaansmaayuktH) conjointly with the in-going and out-going breath (vaishvaanarH) the fire of digestion in the stomach (bhootva) becoming (chaturvidham) in four ways (annm) food (pachaami) digest. (14)


I only, dwelling in the bodies of the living beings under me, becoming the fire of digestion by combining with the incoming and out-going breath, digest the food in four ways.

अहम्, वैश्वानरः, भूत्वा, प्राणिनाम्, देहम्, आश्रितः,
प्राणापानसमायुक्तः, पचामि, अन्नम्, चतुर्विधम्।।14।।

अनुवाद: (अहम्) मैं ही (प्राणिनाम्) मेरे अन्तर्गत प्राणियोंके (देहम्) शरीरमें (आश्रितः) शरण रहनेवाला (प्राणापानसमायुक्तः) प्राण और अपानसे संयुक्त (वैश्वानरः) जठराग्नि (भूत्वा)होकर (चतुर्विधम्)चार प्रकारके (अन्नम्)अन्नको (पचामि)पचाता हूँ। (14)