Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 15 Verse 19

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 15 Verse 19

YaH, mam, evam, asammoodH, jaanaati, purushottamm,
SaH, sarvvit, bhajti, mam, sarvbhaaven, bharat ||19||

Translation: (Bharat) O Bharat! (yaH) who (asammoodH) a knowledgeable person (mam) me (evam) in this way, because of not finding a Tatvdarshi saint (Purushottam) Purushottam/Supreme God (jaanaati) knows (saH) he (sarbhaaven) in every way (mam) only me (sarvvit) considering me everything (bhajti) worships. (19)


O Bharat! A knowledgeable person who because of not finding a Tatvdarshi saint knows me in this way as Purushottam/Supreme God, he only worships me in every way considering me everything.

यः, माम्, एवम्, असम्मूढः, जानाति, पुरुषोत्तमम्,
सः, सर्ववित्, भजति, माम्, सर्वभावेन, भारत।।19।।

अनुवाद: (भारत) हे भारत! (यः) जो (असम्मूढः) ज्ञानी पुरुष (माम्) मुझको (एवम्) इस प्रकार तत्वदर्शी संत के अभाव से (पुरुषोत्तमम्) पुरुषोत्तम (जानाति) जानता है (सः) वह (सर्वभावेन) सब प्रकारसे (माम्) मुझकोही (सर्ववित्) सर्वस्वा जानकर (भजति) भजता है। (19)